Part Four - What Happened To Him

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6 Years have passed and now Yoriko Hide Touka and Kaneki were best friends and they hung out almost every day of course Hide and Kaneki hanged out together every day and the same with Yoriko and Touka but this hang out is something they will never forget.
"KANEKI HIDE WERE HERE" yelled Yoriko when she caught a site of Hide and Kaneki's hair that stands out so much it can't be anybody else, "oh hi Touka, Yoriko, so where do you wanna go?" Kaneki asked, "well I kinda need to go back to Anteiku for my shift there so you guys can go somewhere and I will join you later" offered Touka, "you know what I got a better idea what if we will come with you to Anteiku and hang out there until you finish with you shift and then we can go what do you say?"asked Hide but he was actually doing this for Kaneki whether he knows it or not Hide noticed that Kaneki certainly has feelings for Touka, "Ya that sound good to me" they all said and started walking with Touka in the lead to Anteiku, without any of them noticing they slowly started walking in pairs Kaneki and Touka at the front and Hide And Yoriko at the back, while they were walking Hide and Yoriko started talking quietly about the obvious feeling Touka and Kaneki have for each other "I mean just look at them, their hands are almost touching and they bump into each other every now and then" said hide "ya I know its like they are a couple and everyone else knows this besides them how can they be so blind?" "I don't know about Touka but Kaneki probably knows he likes her but he's too afraid to mess up and lose her" "ya well Touka probably doesn't even noticed it but she will eventually" while they were talking how blind Touka and Kaneki are for their feeling they didn't notice how they occasionally bump into each other and how their hands were hovering just a few centimeters from the others, well one thing is for sure its a lot easier talking about someone else to notice yourself.

After Touka's Shift

"ok I'm done sorry that you had to wait for me" apologized Touka "oh its ok it was fun we talked about so many things I think I know Yoriko better then I know Kaneki" said hide "speaking of him where is he?"asked Touka wanting to know where he is. "oh i thought he was here with us i didn't even notice he left sorry Touka" said Yoriko "hmm i think I know where he is and if he's there then we can just give up on hanging out with him today maybe tomorrow sorry"said hide "where is he?"the both asked "well he's either on the roof or walking somewhere alone in the darkest places he can find"he answered "what do you mean why will he do that?"the girls asked starting to get a bit worried "well Kaneki has a very VERY bad past and even I don't know the worst of it and I know a lot he just likes the quiet of being alone with his thoughts I guess" "we have to help him he needs someone too"said Yoriko very worried now about what could have happened in this boys life that even the happiest guy in the world looks a bit depressed by it, "listen to me its better to let him be alone right now he's a very different person when he's in one of his amm "episodes" I guess you can call it" he answer fast afraid they might do something stupid "what do you mean a different person?" Touka asked "well I don't know what goes on in his mind normally but I know he somewhat depressed and when he's in one of his "episodes" he's like a whole new level of depressed he shows no emotions acts cold to everyone goes to the darkest places he can find so no one will see him and one time even caught him on the edge of a rooftop about to jump but don't worry he took therapy sessions with a psychiatrist with his mother and he said Kaneki is no longer a suicide risk and when he has his "episodes" just let him be"H-HE T-T-TRIED TO DO W-WHAT?"Touka was so terrified she couldn't help but stutter and Yoriko just has a very scared expression on her face "WE HAVE TO FIND HIM NOW" the girls yelled at Hide and he agreed even though he know he shouldn't he really wanted to find and help Kaneki too, "ok lets go save him".

Kaneki was walking down a dark alley not really caring where he goes all he could do is keep walking to be as far as possible from people before HE comes out, he started running when he started hearing the voice again "come on Kaneki let me take control you know I will eventually" the voice said "NO NOT YET IM NOT FAR ENOUGH" Kaneki yelled out loud "give me control willingly why suffer just give up let me play from here" "NO I CAN'T GIVE IN I HAVE TO FIGHT" "well then I guess I have to try the hard way" suddenly Kaneki felt unbearable pain it was like he's going through THAT again he screamed in pain and horror as he felt himself losing control but then he heard something he never wanted to hear while going through on of his "episodes", he heard Touka Hide and Yoriko shout his name.

Touka Hide and Yoriko war walking down the street looking for Kaneki when suddenly they heard someone screaming their lungs out "IT'S KANEKI COME ON WE HAVE TO REACH HIM NOW!!!" Touka yelled the second she realized it was Kaneki who was screaming, they ran as fast as they can and reached a dark alley when they heard him scream again, "KANEKI HOLD ON WE'RE COMING FOR YOU" they all yelled together when everything went quiet, suddenly they saw him but it wasn't exactly him he looked more violent more distant and very very scary, "Kaneki is that you? Are you alright?" Yoriko asked with extreme caution, "oh ya I'm Kaneki but the one you know isn't here right now so I guess I have you all to myself" he grinned and put on his face a black leather mask that had a open mouth with white teeth that looked happy in a sadistic kind of way and an eyepatch over his right eye, it was so scary how it fit perfectly with his white hair to make it terrifying it sent shivers down their spines and made their knees shake, "what?are you afraid of me? I thought we were friends" the dark Kaneki said while he kept on grinning. "girls I think we should RUN!!!" Hide yelled and the three of us started running as fast as possible to get away from dark Kaneki, they kept on running until they reached an ally close to Anteiku and looked behind them to see for their relief that they lost dark Kaneki so they used this opportunity to calm down and catch their breath, "what the hell was that?" Yoriko asked Hide as he knew Kaneki best "I don't know, the last time I saw him in his "episodes" it wasn't even close to being this bad" he answered "ok we should get out of this ally Anteiku is close we can go there" said Touka "ya that's a good idea let's go", as they started walking they heard "oh where are you going? I enjoyed our little chase but I'm not done with you three yet you see if I break YOU I break him" his voice came from everywhere, it was like he's teleporting from shadow to shadow, "SHOW YOURSELF YOU COWARD" Touka yelled to nowhere "oh you want me to leave the shadows? Very well but know I don't play nicely in the light" he said as he suddenly dropped from above and landed right in front of them which caused them to yelp in fear "Yoriko Hide run to Anteiku as fast as you can and tell the manager to come out here fast, go now as fast as you can" "Touka what are you Talking about we aren't leaving you"they insisted "please trust me I can take care of myself" "Touka get it through your thick head we are not leaving you" "fine I guess I don't have a choice I hope you will understand and stay my friend" "Touk-" Yoriko was cut off by the sight of Touka's ukaku kagune...


Ya so that's chapter four for you guys tell me what you think, I'm sorry for the massive time skip I just wanted to get right to the action you know? Thanks for reading


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