Chapter Three - School

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters and location in this book they belong to Sui Ishida the creator of Tokyo ghoul.

Touka's POV

Its been 3 days since that embarrassing moment in "Anteiku" and Nishiki kept teasing me like asking me "so Touka where is you little boyfriend i haven'y seen him for 3 days" but i didn't really care about that yes it is annoying but i'm mostly sad that the boy i now know is called Kaneki didn't came to Anteiku since his friend dragged him out of here and i want to see him, of course if anyone asked i would deny it but i have a feeling that Yoshimura noticed it, i guess i just have to wait and hope to meet him again.

That evening

"Touka can you come up here please? i want to talk to you about something" called Yoshimura, i came up to the upstairs Lounge and as i entered he was sitting on the couch with two cups of coffee on the table " Ah Touka here have a seat there is something i want to offer you and i hope you will accept" he said, i took a seat and asked him "what is it?", he smiled at me and said "Touka do you want to start going to school? i think it will help you to get to know the humans better and maybe even befriend some of them." "Oh ya I want to go but will Ayato come with me?" "No I offered him but he refused, I guess he doesn't want to be with humans that much" "oh ok I want to go but how will I pay for it?" "no need to worry about that i will pay for it and in return you will start working at Anteiku as a waitress what do you say? yes or no?" "yes of course" "good, starting from tomorrow you'll go to school in the morning and you will start working when you get back." after that i just thanked him and went to my room to sleep.

The morning after

Its my first day at school and i'm so excited i can't wait to meet some new people who aren't ghouls and maybe make some new friend. when i entered my classroom the teacher called me to come and said to the class "ok class we have 2 new students this year and i appears that one of then is late so for now please introduce yourself." "hey everyone my name is Touka Kirishima and i'm really excited to start this new year with you" "its nice to meet you Touka my name is Akihiro Kanou but call me Mr. Kanou, please take a seat and join the class" after he said that i searched the class for any available seats and found one near the back of the class, when i sat down the girl beside me smiled and said "Hey i'm Yoriko Kosaka but call me Yoriko." "hey Yoriko call me Touka." after class me and Yoriko kept on talking to each other the entire brake and i was starting to consider her as my friend so i thought i might as well ask her the question that was bothering me since i arrived, "so Yoriko is there anyone here named Kaneki?" "ammm i don't think so way?wait is that a guy you have a crash on? is he cute? how old is he? when did you meet him? common answer me I NEED TO KNOW" she said without even giving me a chance to speak until she was done, after realizing what she asked i blushed and said "what of course not he is just a guy i know that's all i don't have a crash on him." "ya right if you say so." i was disappointed he isn't going to school here but i was happy we started talking on something else, i was talking to Yoriko about her cooking which apparently she loves to do,how lucky am i right, when i suddenly noticed a familiar looking guy with bright orange hair walking by and i know he will probably embarrass me if i ask him but i have to know if Kaneki is here and he's his best friend so i called after him "Hey you're Kaneki's friend right? do you know where he is? i need to talk to him about something." "oh hey you're that girl from the coffee shop why do you need Kaneki did you two fight or something?" he said while smirking, "WE ARE NOT A COUPLE" i yelled at him "ok ok jeez no need to get all angry about it i was just making fun that all" i just glared at him and he imminently said "i don't know where he is he's supposed to be here but i guess he has more important thing to do then arrive on time to his first day at school." "oh ok if you'll see him tell him to come to Anteiku after school i want to talk to him" "or you can just tell him yourself he just arrived, HEY KANEKI OVER HERE" he called him and i was so shocked what do i say what do i do? maybe i should just leave before he sees me? no its too late he already sees me i just have to wing it. "oh hey hide and amm" he froze and blushed when he noticed me "Touka" i answered the question he didn't ask yet. "Touka its nice to meet you i'm Ken Kaneki but everyone calls me Kaneki" "oh ok hi Kaneki its nice to meet you too" why am i blushing? "hey Kaneki where were you you're late" hide asked him "oh ya i know sorry i had some problems at home that's all no need to worry" wait he has home problems? i wonder what happened? *school bell rings* "looks like class starts lets all meet at the front gate after school ends ok?" offered Kaneki "ya" "for sure man" "why not" all three of us answer him.


well this was chapter 3 for you guys and i want to thank you again for reading my book. so tell me what you think about the POV i'm not yet sure if i will continue writing the book in 1st person or 3rd but i just wanted to try it out and see how i goes. comment and follow me for updates on my stories and it really does helps to know that people like your book so again thank you and i hope you enjoy this story.


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