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courtney i have a problem

whats wrong?
sent 6:57 am

so i just went to the toilet and i needed to clean my bum and there were two different soaps and so i accidentally chose the wrong soap and. ow my bum stings

sent 6:59 am

Sent 7:00 am

yeah. it was some dial stuff and then something from victoria's secret

oh my gosh harry. neither of those soaps are supposed to go near your freaking asshole.
sent 7:03 am

how did you accidentally choose one to clean your asshole with when neither one of them should be anywhere near your asshole??
sent 7:05 am

wait i can't use dial on my bum?

no harry you can't
sent 7:06 am

its an antibacterial soap
sent 7:06 am

why should that go anywhere near your ass?
sent 7:07 am

it clearly says "hand soap"
sent 7:08 am

cause i just shit! if i can use it on an open wound i can use it on my bum. i do it all the time.

kill off al those nasty bum bacterias 💩

youre going to kill me one day
sent 7:11 am

like im gonna die prematurely because you stress me out so much
sent 7:12 am

you are NOT supposed to clean your freaking asshole with dial hand soap
sent 7:12 am

then wtf do i use?!

theres no asshole soap!

sent 7:14 am

sent 7:15 am

thats not gonna make it smell fresh though!

yes harry. fresh. thats exactly what a girl wants when she licks your asshole.
sent 7:17 am

"wow harry! your asshole smells EXACTLY like the soap i use to wash my hands with after i pee! gee whiz wollykers im so turned on right now!"
sent 7:18 am

uh rude

my bum still burns

harry. just rinse it off with water please.
sent 7:19 am

.......okay fine

thank you. you dont need to be fresh.
sent 7:20 am

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