Don't Leave Me, Clint!

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"Morning, Nat" Tony stumbles into the  kitchen, bleary eyed and nursing his sixth cup of coffee.

"You look like death" She takes in Tony's stained wife beater and baggy pajama bottoms "What were you working on this time?"

Tony smiles sheepishly "Instagram."

Natasha frowns "What does that-"

The archer appears on her right side, surprisingly energetic for this time of the morning  "It means he was up all night stalking people."

"You are joking" Natasha leans back in her chair and reaches  for her own cup of coffee. 

Clint elbows Tony "What did  you find?"

   Tony yawns widely and projects the contents of his cellphone into the air.

   Your page appears and Natasha frowns "What's going on?"

A awkwardly angled selfie flickers between them.

"Is that-"Natasha begins

"Y/N and Steve." Clint's cheeks inflate and deflate "Yessireebob! And I am out."

He turns to go but Natasha is faster.

"Wait a minute, mister" Her fingers wrap around his arm.

Clint stares at Natasha's red fingernails "I have no place in this, Nat"

Her eyes are steely "Yes, you do, Clint. They set us up!"

Clint allows himself to be dragged from the kitchen, protesting the whole way.

 Tony settles into the couch and turns on the TV; his whistles echo down the hall.  

Mission accomplished!

- - - -

"Instagram first" Natasha leans over the keyboard, a wispy curl dangling in her eyes.

Clint reaches out to tuck it behind her ear, but Natasha puffs air out of the side of her mouth to blow it away.

Her fingers hit the keys with such ferocity that Clint pulls back.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Do you like being played?" Natasha is talking through her teeth now.

"Look" Clint tries for the rational approach "I know you're upset that-"

"Shut up and help me, Clint" Natasha snaps at him.

If Clint were a cartoon character, he would have peeled himself out of a Clint sized hole in the drywall and fallen on his face.

"Yes, sir!"

Clint turns the office chair in circles, his thumbs working through his feed.

"Uggh!" Natasha groans, suddenly  "It's a fake! She photoshopped him in!"

Clint stares at the grainy photo.

You'd done something, either with yourself, or Steve... or maybe it was the background. This wasn't making sense to him.

"Let's try her Facebook".

"Good idea!"

Three hours of research yielded one photoshopped Instagram photo and no end for poor Clint.

"The girl is good" Natasha sighs.

Clint looks up, sprawled across three rolling office chairs "You could just ask Y/N, you know. Or Steve. It could be a coincidence. He has that fan club online."

"You're naivete is adorable, Clint" Natasha's eyes are wide and innocent, with a strong underlay of sarcasm.

She pushes away from the desk and aims herself at Clint's chairs.

"Nat!" Clint screeches as they roll across Tony's tile floors.

"Let's find Tony"

 Avenging Us (Steve + reader) JGWI part 2 Where stories live. Discover now