The Call

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Just a little disclaimer: I, in no way, own Tom or Thor or anything. This is a completely fictional, impulse story and is just for fun. (: It starts off a little slow but I have big plans for it in the future! I hope you like it!


Chapter 1:

The ringing echoed throughout my bedroom and the screen blinded my sleeping eyes. I groaned and rolled over; whoever is calling me at this time of night is either a wrong number or a drunken friend ready to spill their life story to me yet again. The ringing stopped and I sighed with relief. Finally, I thought. Just as I was slipping back into sleep… my phone bellows again.

“Who in god’s name is calling me?!” I sit up and reach for my phone. I don’t recognize the number but answer it anyway. “Hello?”

“Hello, so sorry to bother you,” a man’s voice responds. Bothering me? More like interrupting my much needed sleep! “I’m looking for a Alice Smith. Is she in?” How does he know who I am?

“This is she. If you don’t mind my asking, who is this?” I ask trying to sound less groggy and more professional. The last thing that I need is for my boss to be giving me a new story and I mess it up—again.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! This is Josh Tenant. I’m calling on behalf of your application for the writing internship you applied for several months ago.” Light bulb. I shot up out of bed faster than I ever have and turned on my light. This is it! I finally get to make my boss and professors proud of me!

Several months ago, I was told about an internship opportunity that would allow me to follow around Josh Tenant, one of the most well-known superhero movie screen writers in the country, during the filming process of his latest movie. I applied and never heard anything of it so I forgot about it… until now.

“Oh! I’m so sorry I forgot that I had applied. I’ve been busy with school and working that it just completely slipped my mind.”

“No worries, Alice, I’m sorry it took me so long to get in contact with you. But I would like to meet with you for lunch sometimes soon to talk about the internship and the project you will be helping me with. When is convenient for you?” I scramble to find my planner. Between being a full time, double-major student to working as a journalist for the local newspaper, my schedule is pretty packed.

“Um, let me see… I’m free tomorrow, actually! It’s my only off-day in the next month. Tell me a time and where we’re meeting and I’ll be there.”

“Meet me at 126 Grove Street tomorrow at exactly 12:05.”

I began to Google the address to find directions as he said “see you soon, Alice!” and hung up. I typed into the search bar the address and found an alley between a run-down bar and a Laundromat. Confused, I made sure that I had typed the correct address. Did I hear him wrong? Panic started creeping its way into my brain and sweat started forming along my forehead. No, Alice, stop psyching yourself out. This is just a trick. This Josh Tenant guy was probably a fake. Just go back to bed. I listen to my brain and crawl back into bed. Just another prank call, I thought and closed my eyes and fell to sleep.

My alarm sounded far too quickly for my liking. I forced myself out of bed and slugged my way into my bathroom. I stripped off my over-sized night shirt from an ex-boyfriend. Terrible jerk but let me keep his clothes and wasn’t bad in bed, so I don’t have too many bad things to say about him. I started running the water for my bath and then remembered the call from “Josh” last night. Curiosity crept over me the more I let myself think about the possibility that it could have actually been Josh Tenant. I stepped into the scolding hot bathwater and let my muscles relax.

I hardly ever have time to relax with balancing school and work. I started college right after graduating high school focusing on Nursing as my major. During my second semester, I decided that nursing wasn’t the only thing I wanted to do. I took a journalism class and fell in love with it and decided to double major in nursing and journalism. Around four months later, I found a job writing entertainment portion of the local newspaper. My boss, Joe, is a major pain and is always on my ass about something or another. I moved out of my parent’s house when I started working and so it’s not like I can quit my job because I hate my boss. I’m currently ending my final semester in nursing school and will be quitting the newspaper in a few short months once I’m graduated, licensed, and working as a nurse. I’ll miss journalism, but I won’t miss Joe.

After my bath I got dressed, threw on a light layer of makeup and went along with my day. My watch read 11:00 AM. I still had plenty of time to meet up with Josh and the idea seemed tempting. I decided to go to the grocery store and get some needed essentials, instead. Though this opportunity will never come about again, I’m not up for going to an abandoned alley to meet a stranger who called me at 3 in the morning the night before. Who knows what could happen!

Once at the grocery store, I picked up my usual: lettuce, carrots, fruit bars, and chocolate. I pay and get to my car with 20 minutes until 12. I shake off the thought of going to the meeting and begin to drive home. Halfway home, I check the clock again: 11:50. My brain erupts into a battle of do I go home and ponder what could have been or do I bite the bullet and go meet this guy and possibly die? While my logical side was telling me home, my irrational side over-ruled and I hoped onto the nearest expressway toward 126 Grove Street.

I pulled into the alley at 12:04 and saw no one. Typical. Once the clock switched to 12:05 I put my car into reverse with every intention to leave and go home. I should have listened to my rational and logical side as it never puts me in harm’s way. Just as I am backing up, I see a black car pull into the parking lot next to me. A tall man wearing a blue shirt tucked into khakis hops out and begins walking toward me. I put the car in park and get out hesitantly.

“You’re much prettier in person, Alice. I’m Josh Tenant and I’m so happy that you made it.” He reaches out his hand for me to shake as he approaches me. He looks harmless and has a wonderful smile. I shake his hand.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Josh, really. I’m honored that you picked me for the internship.” I gush and cover my face. This is incredible. This really is Josh Tenant!

“Well, I’m sure you’re wondering why I brought you to this very scary meeting place for lunch, am I right?” He laughs as he says it. I look around and shyly reply “just a scosche.”

“Walk with me.” He says-- and I do.

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