Late Night Talks

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Chapter 6:

Tom follows me home and parks his car in the garage next to mine. When I reach in my purse for my keys, I notice that I still have my Loki helmet keychain attached to them. My cheeks grow hot and I silently wish that he doesn’t notice. I glance over at him and see that he’s smirking—he noticed.

“So, you’re a fan, eh?” He says it playfully and with the biggest smile. I smile back and lead him inside.

“I’ve always been a bit of a superhero/supervillain buff.”

“Ah, I see. Who’s your favourite superhero?”

“Spiderman,” I say it while I put my keys the hanger next to the door. He takes off his coat and hangs it over his arm.

“What?! You seem like the type of girl who would say Thor just because he’s all hot and muscle-y.”

I laugh at him and say “Don’t get me wrong, I love Thor, but Spiderman was the first superhero movie I ever watched. Then I read the comics and started reading all of the superhero comics. Spidey has a special place in my heart, what can I say?”

I go through my usual routine, except with Tom as my company. We walk into my study and I put away all of my work and school related things. Then I hang up my coat, scarf, and put away my shoes and purse in my closet. Tom follows me throughout my entire house, noting everything that he sees. I catch him staring at some of the pictures in a collage-like frame and smile.

“That’s from when I was in gymnastics.” I say as I point to a picture of my 6-year-old self in a leotard. “And that’s me and my dog, Mowgli. Here’s a picture of me going to my prom—don’t ask about why the picture is cut in half.” We both laugh at that.

“Terrible date?”

“The worst. Came with me, spent the entire night with my best friend, came home and spent the night with me and then acted like I didn’t exist the next day.” I avert my eyes away from his. I hated bringing up these stories but Tom made me feel calm and comfortable and safe.

“First heartbreak?” His hand bumps into mine and then I feel him squeeze it. The squeeze sends electric signals all throughout my body. I look up and into his eyes and can see that he genuinely cares and wants to hear all about the boy who broke my heart.

“Something like that.” I blink and turn my head back to the frame hanging on the wall in my hallway. “Here’s a picture of graduation. Those are my parents. Ah! And here’s when I cut off all my hair for Children With Hairloss!” It’s a picture of me when I was 18 and fresh out of high school and I’m holding a ponytail that measured 16 inches.

“I was wondering why you had such long hair in all these pictures and now it’s so short. But don’t get me wrong, I think short hair suits you better.” He gives me a look that makes my insides melt. I stare at him to memorize every feature until he turns and says “How about that wine?”

We walk into the kitchen and I grab a bottle of white wine and a bottle of red. “Which one? Take your pick!” He laughs at my silly dance and picks the white wine.

“Perfect! It’s just what I wanted.” I put the other bottle away and grab two wine glasses. Tom opens the bottle and pours the wine into the glasses. We each take a sip and then I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I tell him to go ahead and pick out a movie on Netflix and to make himself comfortable.

I go into the bathroom inside my bedroom and I strip off my fitted orange button up shirt and tight black pants. I stand in front of my sink, half-naked, and wash my face free of all makeup and impurities. I pat my face dry and throw on my red plaid pajama shorts and a looser fitting white tank.

I walk out into my living room and see that Tom is looking through movies still but stops and looks up when I into in the room.

“Well, you even look lovely in pajamas.” I blush and take a rather large drink from my glass. I can’t tell if Tom is trying to flirt or if this is his normal, adorably sweet and British self. I push the thought away and remind myself that we’re just new friends having a nice, relaxing evening together.

Tom ended up giving up on finding a movie and told me to choose. I immediately went to the horror section on Netflix and saw a confused look on Tom’s face appear.

“Superheroes and horror films? Are you sure that you’re a girl?” I laugh and roll my eyes. I continue to scroll through the horror movies, eventually moving to thriller, and then gave up.

“I give up! Netflix has failed me!” I flip my head back and look at Tom, who is sitting behind me. He chuckles and points to the cabinet next to my TV. It’s full of DVD’s and I look at him with a look of “you’ve been snooping!” on my face. I smile at him and stand up to start looking. Tom gets up and stands close behind me to look at the movies as well. I can feel his hot breath upon my neck and stop breathing. Back to reality. All my DVDs are neatly organized alphabetically and by category. Action, B-rated, Comedies, Documentaries, etc. It took several years to perfect my system but it’s as close to perfect as it ever will be.

My eyes move across the shelves and I point out my favcourite movies to Tom. Inception, Shutter Island, Fight Club, Titanic, Zombieland, and then my eyes land on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I grab it and say “I watched this movie and wanted to, literally, die. But it’s one of my all-time favourite movies.”

“I’ve actually never watched it entirely.” My mouth drops open and I open the case.

“In that case, we’re watching it.” I turn on the DVD player and put the movie in. “Do you want any food or to change into something less… stiff?” He was still wearing his jeans and button up shirt from filming today.

“I don’t believe I would look as good as you in a pair of short-shorts and a tank top.” I smile and walk into my hallway closet.

“I have men’s clothes, too! Ex-boyfriends would leave them here and I never gave them back.” I hand him a pair of dark blue plaid flannel pants and a solid black crew neck shirt.

“Well, aren’t we prepared?” He takes the clothes and I point him to the bathroom. I make my way into the kitchen and prepare some snacks for the two of us-- Oreos, celery, and peanut butter. I place the Oreos and celery on a large plate and the peanut butter jar in the middle.

I grab some blankets from the closet and check my phone while waiting for Tom to finish up in the bathroom.

Two missed calls: Mom and Kylee.

I decide to call back my mother and cover up with the blanket. Kylee is a conversation that I’m desperately trying to avoid.

“Alice, dear, do you realize what time it is?” I check the clock—1:45 a.m.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, mum. I didn’t even realize that it’s so late. I just saw that you had called earlier and-“

“Don’t worry about it, Al. I’ll take an extra-long nap tomorrow.” We both laugh and I see Tom poke his head in the living room. I motion for him to join me on the couch and finish up with my mom.

“Okay, I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you, too, mum. Night.”

Tom sits next to me on the couch and I notice how his black curls fall around his eyes, casting shadows across his face.

“Should we start the movie?” I ask.

“Not yet. Tell me something about you. Something hardly anyone knows.” He looks so innocent and he’s looking at me like I’m about to tell him the greatest news on earth. I search my brain for something interesting to tell him.

“I don’t really know… I’m pretty much an open book to everyone.”

“Then answer me this,” he shifts his body close to mine but leaves enough distance between us so that it’s not weird or uncomfortable. “Why do you keep your ex-boyfriend’s clothes?”

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