Happy Birthday (Part II: Tom's POV)

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This is Tom's point of view of the last chapter. I'm not sure how often I'll be writing from his POV considering how I have no idea what actually goes on inside that wonderful head of his and I really like doing dual-perspective when it seems like it would fit, in which case, it seemed like knowing Tom's opinions and what he was thinking during this chapter was needed to level the story more. I'm really happy with the way it turned out and I hope you like it!


Chapter 9 (Part II): Tom’s POV

I wake up and think of her. Her short, dark brown-almost black hair that frames that beautiful face she has and her petite body. And that dimple of hers that pops out on her left cheek when she truly smiles. I’ve never thought that dimples were as cute as they are on her. We’ve been spending an alarming amount of time together since our first meeting, between working on set together and random appearances at each other’s houses for late night conversations over tea and snowball fights. She always wore heeled shoes around me to make herself not seem so child-like despite my efforts of telling her that her height is perfect. I mean, I’m a frost giant, right?

I get out of bed and look at my phone. There’s a text from her that says “Goodnight, Tom. Hopefully you don’t wake the dead with that snoring. (;” We were on FaceTime last night and I must have fallen asleep and began snoring. She always exaggerates when she speaks of it, but then again, I always give her a hard time about her moaning.

I shower and shave the hairs already reappearing on my face. Today is Alice’s birthday and I need to pick up the flowers that I ordered for her. I bought her a DVD copy of my favourite movie, The Jungle Book, and plan to surprise her tonight with it and red roses. I remember out first meeting and her talking about how she prefers her family and friends to forget about her birthday due to it falling on Christmas Eve. I never mentioned anything, but I mentally noted the date and decided that I would give her a birthday to remember.

At 7:30, I make my way to Alice’s house with the flowers and the movie in hand. I put on my best semi-formal suit and a light layer of cologne. I popped a mint in my mouth during the drive and noticed that my palms were becoming unusually sweaty considering the brisk winter air.

I pull into her driveway and walk up to her porch and ring the doorbell. I hear her shout “I’m coming” through the door and I take a deep breath and then see her. She’s wearing a tight black and gold dress, black heels, and she’s curled the pieces of hair around her face. She’s so gorgeous that I almost forget why I’m here. She’s left me truly breathless.

“Happy birthday, darling.” She smiles and welcomes me inside. “You look absolutely ravishing.” And that’s an understatement.

“Thank you so much but uh- what are you doing here?” She closes the door and tucks a curl behind her ear.

“I came to give you your presents; both Christmas and birthday. It’s not every day that one of my best friends celebrates their birthday on a national holiday!” I hand the flowers and movie to her. Her face lights up and she looks as if I’ve handed her gold.

“Oh, Tom, you-you didn’t have to-“

“I know, I just remembered our first conversation and I wasn’t about to forget about your birthday just because it happens to fall on Christmas Eve. So, I got you two presents.” I smile at her and I can see her 10-year-old self in her face. She’s beautiful. “Now go on! Open it!” I want to see her face when she opens it.

“Your favourite movie, right?” I’m surprised that she knew.

“How did you know?”

“Remember, I’m a fan. It’s my job to know these things.” She walks toward me and wraps her arms around my chest. I keep her in my arms for a few moments and then I hear her mumble a thank you. I smile into her hair and kiss her forehead.  We end the hug and walk into the kitchen.

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