I'm Sorry

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Chapter 8:

I wake up the next morning to find that Tom has put the second blanket on top of me as well as a pillow from my bedroom. He’s sprawled out on the other end of the couch, his arm covering his face and his chest expands ever so slightly when he breathes. He’s truly a beautiful person to look at.

I uncover myself and tip-toe over to him and place a blanket on him. He might not need it, but he did it for me.

I run my fingers through my short brown hair as I walk into the kitchen to make us both breakfast. I decide on pancakes because they’re my specialty and because who doesn’t love pancakes?

I make the pancakes from scratch, not out of a box. It takes more time but they taste so much better than box mix. I make two batters: one with blueberries and one with chocolate and banana.

I’m finishing up one of the chocolate chip banana pancakes when I see that Tom is standing in the doorway looking at me with a sleepy look on his face.

“What are you doing?” His morning voice is scratchy and much deeper than his normal voice. I nearly drop the bowl when I hear it.

“I’m making us pancakes, silly.” I grab a plate from the cupboard and hand it to him and point him to the stack of pancakes. “These are blueberry and these are chocolate chip and banana. If you want plain ones, I can make those really quick!”

“No, no, These look delicious!” He picks up one of each and I’m thankful that he likes blueberries. I only buy them for when I make juices and post-work out smoothies because normally I hate them. I needed to use the small amount that I had left over but was unsure of Tom’s opinion of the fruit.

“Alice,” my heart stops when he says my name. “These are the best pancakes I’ve ever had, truly. I mean it.” I look over at him and laugh.

“Well, thank you! They’re my specialty for a reason.” I turn off the flames and grab two pancakes and join him at the table.

“I also made coffee if you want any. There’s also fresh tea over there.” I point to the pot next to the coffee machine. Tom looks at me like he’s never seen someone cook before.

“You are amazing.” He smiles and finishes his pancakes and gets up to get coffee. He sits back down and gives a smirk.

“What?” I ask, genuinely confused.

“Do you know that you moan in your sleep?” His mouth breaks into an ear-to-ear grin and I cover my mouth with my hand and laugh.

“I actually do know that and I’m so sorry that you had to hear it!”

“Don’t worry about it, love. I thought it was adorable.”

Later, after Tom had left to go home, I was sitting in my cubicle at the office catching up on the work I’ve missed since starting filming. I shift through papers and respond to dozens of emails before I realize that my shift is almost over. I gather my things together and walk to Joe’s office.

“Joe?” I peek my head inside as I tap on the door. Joe’s face meets mine and he waves me inside.

“To what do I owe this pleasure, Ms. Smith?”

I hand him a stack of papers. “I finished all the work that I missed. Johnson called and said that he’s got a leak on something huge and that he’ll bring all the details in tomorrow for your approval.” He rummages through the papers and nods.

“Yes, very well, thank you. You may go now.”

I spin on my heel and walk out of his office. I grab my keys and coat and make my way to my car to go home.

I pull into my driveway and see Kylee standing outside. I guess that conversation-avoiding tactic that I had going was ending here. I kill the engine and get out of my car and walk over to her.

“I’m leaving in a few hours so I thought I’d come over and say goodbye.” She looks sad and it breaks my heart. She’s my best friend and no matter what either of us do to each other, we always forget about it and go back to before.

“I’m happy that you did. I missed you, Kylee.” We hug each other for a long time. Her long hair is up in a messy bun on top of her head and she smells like a French fragrance most likely.

“I missed you, too, Alice. And I’m so sorry about what happened with Cody.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s water under the bridge.” We end the hug and smile at each other. She tells me goodbye and that she’ll write me soon and then departs for the airport. I walk inside and go straight to my bedroom to collapse onto my bed and sleep the rest of the day.


Another short chapter, but the next chapter is ridiculously long and it will be a two-parter (the second part being Tom's POV). I also couldn't think of a good title for this chapter, so my apologies. I'm really excited about the next chapter ^_^

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