Graduation Day

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This chapter picks up the morning after the last chapter ended. If you want to read the sex scene between Tom and Alice, I have published it in a seperate form for any smut one-shots that I do. If you don't wish to read a sex scene or it makes you feel uncomfortable, that's totally understandable. I also warn that closer to the end of this chapter there is a brief moment of sex scene but I tried to keep it under control and not get too out of hand. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I apologise for it taking me so long to update!


Chapter 11:

“You’re mine now, Alice. Would you like that?”

“Yes-- I’m yours and you’re mine.”

I open my eyes and see clothes on the ground and my sheet and comforter rumpled up and all over the place. The words linger in my ear for a minute as I scan my bedroom and notice how it’s been destroyed from its original very clean and organized state. I look to my left and see Tom’s body lying next to mine. He’s completely naked and I look down and realize that so am I. The events of last night surface in my mind and I can’t help but smile and giggle to myself. I hop out of bed and silently curse about how sore my body is. I walk over to one of the piles of clothing on my floor and grab Tom’s white dress shirt to put on. It’s long enough to cover my butt but I still slip on a pair of underwear.

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth before heading to the kitchen to make coffee for Tom and myself. I remember bits and pieces of last night and nearly drop the pot of coffee. I pour two cups and prepare it how Tom likes it when I hear his footsteps approach.

“Good morning, beautiful.” He says with a smile. He’s only wearing a pair of grey boxers and the sight of him makes me shiver.

“Good morning, I made you coffee.” I say and hand him his cup. He grabs the cup and takes hold of my hand, pulling me toward him and kissing me. My body heats up with the feeling of his kiss and he places his hand on the small of my back before parting our lips.

“Thank you, darling. And thank you for wearing my shirt.” He kisses me again and sets our cups on the counter so they won’t spill. He keeps kissing me while we both giggle like idiots while backing up into the table.

“Tom,” another kiss, “Tom!” We part and burst into laughter.

“I don’t even know what’s so funny.” He says and picks up our coffee mugs and hands mine to me. I take it and say “Neither do I.”

We make breakfast together and shower before heading to set to resume filming. We’ve decided that our new-found “relationship” or whatever you would call this shall remain a secret to everyone until after filming is over. We arrive on set and go to our designated areas; Tom to costume, hair, and makeup and myself to the assistants tent. Brittany was waiting for me, as she usually does now. Our friendship started right after my first day and she decided that she was going to “take me under her wing” as she puts it and help me out throughout filming. I appreciate the help and she’s become a nice addition to my days on set.

“Happy belated birthday, geek.” She says and hands me my morning coffee.

“Thank you,” I say and take the cup from her. We talk about how our holiday was and walk toward Chris and Tom once they’re finished becoming Thor and Loki.

“Hello, ladies.” Chris’s deep voice says and he smiles at us both. Brittany immediately starts fixing any errors that she sees and Tom moves closer to me.

“What are you doing tonight?” he says in a low, almost whisper voice. A shiver runs down my spine.

You is what I am thinking but I refrain from any sexual statements while at work. Instead I take a sip from my cup and say “nothing important, why?”

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