One Month Later

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A/N: SO sorry that this chapter took absolutely FOREVER! I've written a version of it about 15 times and ended up scrapping it completely and re-writing it until I ended up with this. I'm not 100% happy with it but I wanted to get the ball rolling so I can progress more into the relationship. I hope you enjoy it and hopefully the next chapter won't take as long! (:


Chapter 12:

One month later

I cough and stick my head back over the toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach yet again. By now, the only thing that was coming up was stomach acid and water. My mouth tasted of the bile and my throat is sore from the repeated vomiting. I stay in the bathroom for several more minutes to make sure that I wasn’t about to go through another vomit-spree. Once my stomach decided that it had had enough for one day, I brush my teeth three times and rinse with mouthwash in hopes of ridding the taste and smell.

I walk out into the living room and check my phone. Tom had called me while I was throwing up and I click his number to phone him back.

“Hello, lovely, how are you this morning?” He’s driving, I can tell by the background noise.

“I’ve been stuck with my head over the toilet all morning. I think that fish last night fucked with my stomach.” I plop down on the couch and cover up with my blanket. Food poisoning is the last thing that I need.

“Oh, no, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” He sounds so worried and I curse myself for finding his worry adorable.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just a simple case of food poisoning, nothing too extreme. I’ll be fine by tomorrow.” I reassure him and immediately feel my stomach beg to differ. I jump up and run to the bathroom, placing my phone on the ground and wretching once again.

I wipe my mouth when I finish and pick up the phone again. “Sorry about that…”

“Honey, that sounded awful. I’m on my way to come take care of you. I’ll be there in five minutes.” And with that he hung up and I slouch back to my couch and turn on the telly while waiting for him to come inside.

I hear the door open and see Tom walk in carrying a bag form the store. He walks over to the couch and kneels down to kiss my forehead and check for a fever.

“Are you feeling any better, Al?” He looked so worried and he grabbed my hand. The feelings that I had a month ago are nothing compared to what they are now, and I hate him for it. Life was simpler before he waltzed in and caused me to… feel things.

“Yeah, I’m okay now. I’m starving but I can’t keep anything down so I don’t even know what the use of eating anything would be.” Tom turns around and grabs the bag that he set on the table and pulls out soup, crackers, and Canada Dry.

“I stopped at the store and got you a few things in hopes that you were feeling better. Want to try just a little bit?” I smile and nod at him and he returns with his own smile before kissing me. I jump and cover my mouth immediately.

“Tom! You can’t kiss me after I throw up!” That elicits a laugh from the both of us and he smothers my face in kisses, causing me to nearly choke on my giggles. He finally stops and I look at him and his eyes shine bright into mine. I feel a warm sensation wash over my body and I momentarily forget about the voice inside my head constantly telling me he doesn’t love you.

Tom slowly feeds me the soup and when I’ve had enough, he holds me in his arms while talking about his future projects and what I’m going to do once filming is finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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