Chapter 3- The Truth is Revealed

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When we get home, it's only an hour and a half before the party starts. Ricky and Sam had come back from wherever they were and are standing around in the kitchen.

They have started eating all the snacks already (no surprise there).

"Guys!  Save some for the rest of us," I snap playfully.

They roll their eyes and laugh as they continue to sneak chips and crackers. Kian enters the kitchen with a stern look on his face. He motions for me to follow him, so I do. He leads me down a few hallways and into the hall closet.

"What the hell are we doing?" I ask with a laugh.

"I didn't want the guys to hear us. But whats been up with you lately? You've been acting really weird. What's going on?"

He has a look of such concern in his eyes that I it makes it very hard not to melt.

"Nothing, I just don't think that you and Andrea should be saying 'I Love You' just yet. And are you really sure she's the 'one'? I mean you've only known each other for a month and a half."

"Carrie, its really not that big of a deal. And you can't stop me from doing it."

"Okay. Just don't come crying to me if she doesn't say it back," I snap, trying to cover my hurt.

I reach for the door handle behind my back and stumble out of the closet to escape the feelings creeping up in my throat.

I head to the living room and lay down on the couch before shoving my face into a pillow and groaning.

I hear footsteps, followed by the squeak of the couch springs as someone sits down close to my feet. They lift the pillow and reveal a bright, dazzling smile.

"Hey, Connor."

"How did things go after I left? Did he admit his undying love for you?"

I giggle and shove the pillow in his face.

"No. Actually, we kind of got into a fight. Connor, he's telling Andrea he loves her tonight."

His face falls.

"I'm sorry."

I shrug.

"We'll make up. But it still hurts."

The other guys and Andrea show up an hour or so later.

Kian and Andrea are attached to each other like magnets immediately.

I however, am the exact opposite as I avoid being near all couples the whole night.

Everyone ventures to the backyard, around the pool.

I surround myself with the other guys, to help lift my spirits. Ricky starts a video for O2L and begins to walk around vlogging the scene.

He walks over to me and says, "Y'all know who Carrie is, right?"

I give and tiny wave and a cheesy smile and then he disappears again.

The sun goes down soon enough and the stars started to form. It is a beautiful night but was a horrible day.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and whip around.

"Oh my god! Hey!"

Kristina and Gianna have showed up, my two good friends from high school who are twin sisters.

Better Left Unsaid-A Kian Lawley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now