Chapter 17- Clarity

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I woke up in a familiar place.
Kian's bed. I checked the time. It was one in the afternoon.
I was still a little groggy but managed to walk down the stairs. Why am I here? What happened?

I spotted Connor on the couch I opened my mouth to say something, but as he turned around I knew I should immediately put his needs before mine. He obviously was not okay.

"Hey, Carrie." He sounded happy to see me, but had red, puffy eyes.
I put my arm on his shoulder, forgetting all my questions.

"Con, what happened?"

"Gianna and I are going through a hard time. She dumped me yesterday." I rubbed his back.

"It's okay. I'm sure you guys will make up." I said so reassuringly I even believed my own lie.

"I don't think so. She moved out. She was packing her stuff when I found her yesterday. We went at each other. She said she wasn't coming back. And now she's gone."

I hugged him tight and he cried into my shoulder. "Oh, Connor..." He glanced up at me.

"Thanks for being there for me. I've been home alone all day. I haven't even told anyone yet. I guess I'm still in denial."

I slightly laughed along with him.

"I know exactly what you're going through. Trust me. But I'm sure you'll find someone, I mean, you're gorgeous, hysterical, famous, and a total sweetheart." He smiled.

"Maybe I have already found her. I just didn't see what was right in front of me..." Connor said.

"What are you talking about-" Connor started to lean in, trying to kiss me. His lips barely brushed mine, before I pushed him off and stood up.

"Connor, sorry but I'm not the girl I was talking about. Gianna's my friend! We aren't meant to be together. "
I said crueler than I meant.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." He muttered.

My legs took control again. I quickly moved for the front door.
As I was walking down the steps, Kristina and JC, Ricky and Kian started to walk in.

"Car, what are you doing here?" Kristina asked me.

"I-I..." I was memorized by Kian's face-- he had bruises in the same exact spots as my dream.

My head started spinning. The last thing I remember, I was starting to fall and Kian lunging to catch me...


I woke up again, even more confused. This time I was on the couch in the O2L house.
My questions resurfaced.

"Oh thank god!" Kristina hugged me. I saw an ice pack fell off of my head.

"What is going on?" I said softly. I stared at the other people in the room, waiting for an answer.

There was JC, Connor, Ricky, and Kristina but no Kian.
I went to stand up but they all stopped me.

"We'll explain everything," JC finally replied.
I gave him a strange look.

"As long as you just don't move." His tone was so serious I felt like I might be setting off a bomb if I moved.
I stayed still.

"Okay. You have a lot to explain." I crossed my arms.

"Okay, we'll start from the beginning. Casey was throwing a party. All of us went. You were talking to us one minute and the next, you were gone. Then we found you unconscious on the pavement outside-"

"Why was I unconscious?!"

"I was getting to that part." He glared at me for interrupting.

I threw my hands in the air and said, "Sorry. Continue."

"So, what happened was; Michael was drunk. You being you wanted to help, but he was aggressive. He accidentally knocked you out. He got scared and ran away, leaving you there. Kian witnessed this and-"

"I beat the crap out of him." I heard Kian's voice call from behind me. I could feel him starring at me, but I didn't turn around.

"So," JC continued. "The party broke up and we brought you here till you woke up."

"Why did you leave me on Kian's bed?" They all shrugged.

"Wait, have you guys not made up yet?" Kristina asked.

She mouthed "oh" to the other guys. I turned and quickly glared at Kian and he rolled his eyes.

"So why am I on a couch and can't move?"

"Because you were still woozy from last night. And when you got up last time, you almost fell off the porch, but Kian caught you."

Kian caught me. Those words echoed in my mind. KIAN caught me. So he still does have feelings for me, doesn't he?

"But why did Connor try to kiss me-" I cupped my hand over my mouth, stopping myself from saying anything else.

"What?" Everyone unanimously asked as the stared at him. I turned to Kian, who was missing. I took this opportunity of everyone interrogating Connor to search for Kian.
I found him in the kitchen.

"Why did you save me? Why do you always save me?" He ignored me.


"What do you want from me?" He said coldly.

"Just answer my question."

"I don't know. I don't really think about it, I just do it." He growled.

"But I thought you hated me." He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I don't hate you." I continued asking questions.

"Did you and Andrea break up?"

"Why do you want to know? Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Fine. Whatever. I'm done anyway." I said calmly, even though I was about to explode inside.

I stormed out of the kitchen and all the way home. I slammed my door. God! Why did he keep deflecting my questions! He was acting like my sister when she was a teenager and I was a kid. We didn't really get along.
But he was just being so FRUSTRATING?! I asked simple questions and he just wouldn't answer them. Why? What did he have to hide?


We have the most complicated relationship ever. We started out friends and everyone was happy, (well everyone but me) the we shared one kiss and everything flipped upside down, then we started dating and we broke up, (Multiple times... I'm not even sure how many...I lost track) and the final time we broke up, I guess he really meant for good. Maybe he has moved on and he only caught me because it was a reflex. I mean if someone was falling, you'd try to catch them right? I don't know.

But he still hasn't managed to catch me...he's too busy falling for Andrea and she doesn't even love him back. He is too blinded by love to see it. I took a deep breath. I cooked myself dinner and fell asleep after I calmed down.
So I found a way to get my story back-sort of- but anyway, I'm not cutting it short, I'm gonna keep writing it and there's a new character coming that might just screw things up.😏
Actually, there are two characters coming! One male, one female and one good, one "bad".
They aren't bad person, just they ruin things by accident. ☺ So get ready!
xoxo, Carrie😘

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