Chapter 18- New Boys, New Beginnings

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So this is Aaron⬆️ aka, Joshua Anthony Brand. NOT AARON CARPENTER YOU BUNCH OF FANGIRLS jk ily💕😂

By the time I woke up, it was already 11:30.

Christmas is in two and a half weeks and if Kian and I don't get back together by then...I think it might be over for good.

But until then, I deserve to have some fun. I dialed Casey's number.

"Hey! Do you wanna go to the beach today?" I bit my lip waiting for a response.

"Of course! Meet you there?"

"Yeah. Noon work for you?"

"Sure. Bye!" She hung up the phone.

I got dressed and brushed my teeth, putting on my new swimsuit and a T-shirt and shorts over it. When I arrived, I scoped out the pier for Casey.

I saw her tight brown curls in the distance and practically sprinted over to her.

"Hey! How are you?" She said with a smile.

"I'm good. I think I've officially moved on. How are you?"

"I'm fine. But we should really hang out more! I barely saw you at my party. Besides when you were unconscious."

I laughed uneasily.

"Lets go get a smoothie." She nodded and we walked up to the Snack Shack.

She got a mango papaya smoothie and I got a strawberry banana one.
I went to the condiment table to grab straws and napkins, when someone came out of nowhere and slammed into me. There was pink slush everywhere.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" I said as I bent down grabbing napkins.

"Nah, it was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going." He smiled and our eyes met.

He stretched out his hand. "I'm Aaron."
His eyes were a color I could only describe as seawater and sparkled as they stared at me.

He had sandy brown hair that stopped just above his eyebrows. His tan complexion had perfect skin.
His smile was bleach white and he had adorable little dimples in his cheeks.
He was wearing a muscle shirt and matching swim trunks. I realized I was staring.

"I'm Carrie." I outstretched my hand. He shook it a few seconds too long.
A clump of icy banana dripped on the ground. "Let me help you clean up."

"No it's fine. I can handle it myself."

"At least let me pay for the dry cleaning. Give me your phone number and I'll find someway to get it back to you."

How could I resist?

"Fine. Just let me clean up first." He smiled and nodded as I headed to the bathroom.

When I looked in the mirror, I was a mess. I had smoothie in my hair and all over my T-shirt.
I took some paper towels and water and got started cleaning myself.
When I was done, he was still standing there.
I grabbed my purse and got a pen and paper. I wrote my number on it and handed it to him.

He smiled. "I'll call you." I smiled back and returned to my table.

"Who was that?!" Casey asked.

"He totally was flirting with you!" I shook my head, though she was right.

"His names Aaron."

"Look at yourself, you're totally blushing!" I hid my face with my hands.

"Lets go down to the beach."

We grabbed our bags, I got a new smoothie and we set up on the sand.
Casey brought a big umbrella and I brought two beach towels. We laid on our towels and watching boys play volleyball and surf.

Casey decided to go in the water and I stayed on the sand.
I closed my eyes and tried to get my tan on, but something was blocking the sun.
Someone, actually. Aaron.

"I saw you and thought I'd say hi. Hi."

"Hi yourself." I waved my hand sarcastically, waiting for him to leave.
He just stood there.

"Can I join you?" I laid back down on my towel, annoyed.


Don't get me wrong, Aaron's REALLY cute, but he's kind of stalker-ish and...oh who am I kidding.
It's Kian. Kian is still on my mind. It's like he's blocking me from what I really need.
Aaron would be good for me right now. And, he's adorable. But I just can't let him go. Not yet.
I went to reach for my earphones, but Aaron started asking me questions.

"So, do you live here or are you just visiting?"

"I live here." I replied, nodding.

"Me too," he paused slightly and our eyes met. "So, do you have a boyfriend?"

I had a feeling he would ask this. But I didn't know how to answer.

"Yes. Well, no. Maybe..."

As I looked at him it somehow seemed that he knew exactly what I meant, though I didn't fully understand it myself.

"It's complicated." I whispered under my breath.

"I get it. I've been there before." He rolled his eyes and looked down. "I shouldn't have asked. I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable."

"No, it''s fine. It's time I stopped avoiding it. Even if talking about it means spilling my guts to a cute stranger."

Crap. Did I just say he was cute out loud? God, Carrie! You idiot!
I glanced at Aaron, and saw a small smile spread across his face. Internally laughing at myself, I bit my lip.
"You don't have to talk about it. Lets go down to the water." He suggested. I nodded and stood up, following his lead.

As we got to the water, he jumped right in, splashing me slightly.

"Come on in!" He shouted at me. I shook my head and grabbed my left arm with my right.

He smirked deviously as he swam to shore. "I'm gonna hug you if you don't get in. I'm soaking wet."

"No!" I squealed.

He hugged me and my skin got goosebumps and soon as he touched me. I giggled and he lifted me to the water.

"Put me down!" I shouted, but actually liked being in his arms.

As we hung out the rest of the day, I felt really happy. A happy that I haven't felt since Kian and I were together.

Maybe I've finally moved on.

Better Left Unsaid-A Kian Lawley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now