Chapter Two

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The morning sun of the next day shone in through my bedroom window, hitting my eyes in just the right area, that woke me up. I groaned annoyed and began to move my sprawled like body on the floor. It was already well past the first light, so I had changed back into my original form hours ago. My muscles were a little sore still and I began to stretch them out. As I looked around at my surrounds for a split second I forgot where I was. It only took a minute for all of it to come back to me. I bagged my head on my hands as I realized my stupidity. "Idiot." I mumbled, as I slowly got up and walked to the door. I unlocked it and slowly opened it, peering outside to see if the coast was clear. Doesn't seem like Taehyung is up yet..... I cracked the door open wider and walked out, taking in the house in more detail as I walked down the hallway. This was stupid. I shouldn't even be here. It doesn't matter why he helped me since I was just desperate because of the full moon. I silently tiptoed into the kitchen, not wanting to wake Taehyung, and looked at the cupboards. I should just take what I need and leave. I reached my hand to open one of the cupboards. I know my brother is looking for me, but it isn't safe for me here. As I was about to take something out when I suddenly heard a door open, causing my heart to skip a beat. I looked at the hallway, scared, and immediately ran out of the room to hide, but, instead, ended up running right into Taehyung. There's was a thud as we impacted and I gripped his shirt hard to keep from falling, pushing him down towards me. I looked up once I was stable and saw how close we were. I immediately looked away, the redness clearly visible in my cheeks. "Eh, sorry." I stuttered, letting go of his plain black shirt. Taehyung coughed abruptly and moved away from me. "It's fine. I didn't hear you coming anyway." He said, looking away, his face getting a little red too. I nodded embarrassed and started to move past him, back into my room. Once I was safely back into my room a sighed loudly, sliding down my door and into the floor in defeat. "That was close." I mumbled, feeling my eyes tingle as they went back to their normal brown color. He didn't suspect that I would try to leave did he? I carefully caressed the moon ring on my left pointer finger and sighed again. Damn it.

I sat there for a few minutes, trying get my heart to settle down and looked at the window across from me. Maybe I could escape through the window? I got up and walked to the window, prying it open and letting the cool breeze brush my face. I looked down and realized it wasn't that bad of a jump. I was about to hoist myself up when I suddenly smelled something cooking. I sniffed the air suspiciously, making sure it wasn't a fire and looked at the door. No, this defiantly didn't smell like a fire. It smelled like bacon and I was just realizing that I was really hungry. I walked into the kitchen and saw Taehyung at the stove, casually cooking a whole pound of bacon.
"You're back." He said, obviously smiling slightly,even though he wasn't facing me. So he did know what I was doing. I skeptically nodded and walked closer. "I smelled something cooking." I saw Taehyung nod and casually look away from the stove quickly before turning off the burner. I curiously looked at him from my side position, wondering why he did that, but then realized I did the same thing, not wanting my eyes to change again from the flame. The only difference was that I was a werewolf. Taehyung brought the whole plate of bacon to the table along with some cereal and bowls, casually putting them down. "I hope you like bacon." He smiled sheepishly, sitting down on the closest chair. I felt my mouth water from the sight and looked at Taehyung and back to the plate of bacon. "I can have some?" I asked, letting myself smile in anticipation, forgetting about escaping for the time being. "Well I didn't make a pound for myself." He sarcastically said, laughing a little. I quickly sat down on the other free seat and took the fork next to me and stabbed the pile of meat, taking a good amount of it with me as I lifted it back up. I placed all the bacon I had on my plate and proceeded to stuff my face so quickly that I forgot to breath. All this time I didn't even realize that Taehyung hadn't even touched his plate as he looked at me, the smile never leaving his face. "So, you do like bacon." He said, his head resting nonchalantly on his hand. I swallowed awkwardly and put down my fork. "I guess I do...." I mumbled. I looked at the plate in front of me and realized that I had eaten all the bacon Taehyung had made. I felt my cheeks heat up and I felt my stomach drop. "I'm so sorry!" I stuttered rather loudly, raising my hands in front of me. "I didn't mean to eat all your food. I was just so hungry since I hadn't eaten for a few days. I can go make you something else of you wanted."I jumped out of my seat and ran to the kitchen. What was I doing? Why do I care that I ate everything? "I don't know where anything is though, so it might take a while." Wasn't I just about leave? Why am I worrying about him? I quickly opened a cabinet, looking at the contents inside when I heard laughter come from the dinning room. I hesitantly looked back and saw Taehyung's body vibrating as he held in his laughter. I walked back into the room and saw that he was covering his eyes as he finally exploded into a choruses of laughs. "What's so funny?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "Nothing." He said between laughs. After a few seconds he settled down and removed his hand from his eyes and looked at me. "I'm sorry for laughing. I just found it funny how you reacted." He smiled. "I really just made the bacon for you, so there's no reason for you to get upset." I looked down as I bit down my lip embarrassed. "Oh." I mumbled and I couldn't help be really happy inside at what he did. I heard Taehyung get up and walk back to the kitchen. I looked up and saw as he put the dishes into the sink. "It must be a little awkward staying with a stranger." He suddenly said, he back towards me as he started to wash the dishes. I looked at him a little confused and scratched my head a little. "Oh ya. We only met yesterday." I mumbled. Taehyung shut off the water and turned to me. "That's why you were trying to leave probably, right? I know it's a little weird, but you can trust me. I swear I'm not going to do anything to you." I shifted a little in my spot, realizing yet another dangerous situation I was in. I nodded hesitantly, which only made Taehyung frown, obviously not convinced. He opened a nearby cupboard and took out something I didn't even comprehend. "Here." He said, walking towards me and handing me a small bottle. I slowly took it in my hand and stared at it. "What is it?" I asked. "Pepper spray. I got it from a friend that's a police officer. He said it was to dangerous for me to live alone and not have something to protect myself with." He said. "What does it do?" I shook the bottles carelessly. Taehyung placed a hand on the bottle, making it stop and I got the memo that I shouldn't do that. "It kind of blinds the target for a brief amount of time. It also pretty painful. All you have to do it press down on the top and aim it at the person's eyes." Taehyung gestured as he talked, making it really simple to understand how to use it. I nodded, bringing the bottle in front of me. Then I'll just use it on you so I can get away I thought. I didn't realize that the front part was in front of me and was about to press the top when Taehyung urgently grabbed my wrist. "Wait!" He yelled, yanking the bottle away from me. "Don't do it to yourself!" He yelled again. "I want you to use it on me if you ever feel threatened. This way you can trust me. OK?" He said, actually surprised I would be stupid enough to spray myself. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that I was pointing it right at myself." I smiled shyly, acting innocent. Taehyung sighed and let go of my wrist. "Just always carry that around with you." I nodded and stepped back, realizing that we were a little close. Taehyung looked at the clock positioned to the right of him and sighed again. "I have to leave for work now. Promise me you'll stay here ok? Don't go wondering off by yourself. I'll be home at three." I nodded and stuffed the pepper spray into my pocket. I can just leave when your gone, saves me the trouble of hurting you. Taehyung nodded back and walked to the door way to put on his shoes. "While I'm gone, if it's not too weird for you, you might want to wash your hair and change clothes. You can borrow one of my shirts if you want and I have a extra pair of a sweatpants. I can wash your clothes when I get back then." I only nodded back. Taehyung smiled at my response and got up. "I'll be back at three then." He casually said, opening the door and walking out.

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