Chapter 11

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I decided to stay even after I knew my brother was coming. If I left then Yoongi would take out his frustration out on V when he discovered I was long gone. So, I sat with the room's silence creeping into my ears, and the softness of the couch's invisible touch on my fingers. V stood at the kitchen table, arms crossed, the tension of thoughts visibly darting all over his brain. I looked up at him from afar, seeing his brown eyes down casted to the ground. Did he believe me? I couldn't tell. As I peered at him, his eyes flicked up for a second, connecting his eyes to mine. I immediately looked away.

Why did I look away? I thought angrily as I maneuvered my head to look back at V again, realizing he still hadn't looked away from me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I cut, shaking the thoughts quickly out of my head.

"I don't know." He said, looking just as confused as I was. I coughed uncomfortably, as he continued, darting away my own eyes again.

"Ok...." I said, raising my eyebrows.


We sat in silence again, letting the warm air in the room fill our nostrils. I shifted on the seat and peered at V from the corner of my eyes. He held his head in his arms, his bangs slightly covering his eyes, and I could tell he was confused about something because his jaw was clenched, defining his jawline.

What is he thinking about? Rosanna? At my own thought I clenched my own teeth. He shouldn't be thinking about her at this moment. We have better things to think about it. I sighed though, knowing it couldn't be helped, but was frustrated at my own selfishness nevertheless.

"Hey V?" I said, a sudden curiosity hitting my train of thought. He looked at me curiously, telling me, with his eyes, he was listening. "Rosanna...." I said slowly. "is she a werewolf?"

V raised his head and looked at my confused.

"Eh, why do you ask?" He said, scrunching up his eyebrows and sitting up straight now. I shrugged my shoulders, because to be honest I don't know why I asked. It was just something I thought about.

Well, I guess if she is then it complicates things....I thought

"Well, as far as I'm concerned she isn't." I said bluntly raising my own head that had been resting on my hands.

"She isn't....." V said slowly agreeing with my statement. I nodded and looked away thinking for a minute. "I guess that's for the best. Wouldn't want three werewolves to deal with." I mumbled almost to myself.

I could feel V narrow his eyes at me from my own words and I looked back at him to confirm it.

"We don't even know if Namjoon was the person who turned us in, so you can't assume that we might have to deal with werewolves." He said, irritation dripping softly from his lips.

I sighed, pushing my lips together in a frown. His resistance was uncanny at the very thought his best friend betrayed him, and it irritated me. "Why don't you believe me?" I asked curiously, my own irritation beginning to be clear in my own words. "I know what I saw."

" I don't believe Namjoon would do that." V said simply, glaring at me. 

"Well, he's dating your girlfriend, so anything is possible." I cut back, immediatly, ending our short dispute with the only possible evidence I had to show that Namjoon would do such a thing. I could tell he was caught off guard with my sudden acerbic tone, but I was getting extremely annoyed extremely fast at how he would rather believe him than me. I sighed softly to myself, and pushed back some of my hair. "I know I'm being harsh," I said. " but if my brother is coming then we need to figure out a plan, because if we don't have one then we're both going to die. Also if Namjoon imprinted on her it would complicate things."

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