Chapter 13

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The two days later, when I had just woken up I heard a knock at my door. I sighed, still half a asleep, since I had only slept a few hours. I knew in a day or two my brother was going to be here, and I still miserably hadn't convinced V. I yawned and scratched my knotted hair, throwing the door open.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked, yawning as I did so again. V looked at me, a smile plastered on his face. He didn't seem to care at the least.

"Lets go to an amusement park." He said instantly, grabbing my hands excitedly; however, I instantly gripped the door frame, jerking V backwards.

"Hold it." I said sternly, fully awake now. V turned his head back to me, staring at me curiously. "What?" He asked.

"We can't go. I still need to figure out of to stop my brother." I jerked my hand free and sighed again. "And besides.... I don't know what this" amusement park" is, but I don't really want to find out." I said completely serious.

V laughed for a second, then shut his mouth remembering that I had never been outside the woods. He instantly tried to the best of his ability to describe the fun rides that people waited hours inline for to ride onece, but I was still completely lost, and at some point he gave up and grabbed my hands. "You just need to experience to fully know what it's like" And this time as he pulled me out of my room I couldn't resist his strong grip.

V and I walked on the pavement floor to the entrance of the park with the sun shinning bright on our faces. I looked at him curiously from the side and realized V hadn't stopped smiling from the moment we ran out of the house.

Doesn't his jaw get tired? I thought, but by the judge of the situation I guessed not.

"Which on do you want to go on first?" He asked me, excitedly, his child-like eyes darting around. This was all so new to me, and I had never been around so much people before. The party Namjoon took me too was fairly small compared to the families who were yelling, laughing and running with their kids, and I felt kind of uncomfortable.  I looked around at the various signs and spotted one that read roller coaster.

I guess I'll just go with the flow... I can think about my plan while I'm here

A few seconds passed with my silence until I spoke up. "How about a roller coaster. That doesn't sound to scary?" I asked

V smiled mishieviously.

"Why don't you find out if it is or not." He said, starting to walk away. I only sighed and continued to walk faster to keep up with him.

After a few minutes of walking, and a thirty minute wait in line V and I finally got onto a roller coaster, as he put it. I felt my stomach hitch as the brace was put over me, restricting my movements.

"What is this contraption?" I said, trying to get free, disliking the restriction it put me in, but V who was strapped in next to me only laughed. "Unless you want to fall out I wouldn't break it." He said, "If you're scared then you can hold my hand." I glared at him. "I'm not scared, and I don't want to hold your hand." V only laughed again at my words and retracted his hand that had been extended to me. "Suit yourself." He said, and for some reason I could tell he was embarrassed.

In the next few seconds the contraption we were tied into lifted of the ground and slowly started to move straight up into an incline. Sweat broke out on my forehead as we climbed higher and higher.

We're so high....

I looked to my side and saw that V was looking over the edge, smiling. The machine finally reached the top and slowly began to move over the top, and before I knew it we were falling straight down. The wind whipped at my face, and I screamed at the top of my lungs along with everyone else. My knuckles turned completely white as I held onto dear life as the roller coaster took us through loops and other drops. I thought for sure I, some time during the ride, was going to die. I breathed heavily as it slowly came to a stop, back at where we got on, the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I heard a click as the bars holding us released as I slowly got up, my legs a little shaken.

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