Chapter ten

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Nine years ago Giala's POV

"your friends are dead if you don't act this well." Yoongi's sinister voice seeped deep into my head, and vibrated in my blood as he retracted his face from my ear. Even without directly saying what he wanted I knew exactly what he meant. I looked up at my brother and glared, my eyes glowing a bright green, pure fury dripping down from my scowl. Yoongi only smiled down at me, not even a bit scared and reached into his shirt and took out a knife. The metal's sleek intimidation reflecting off the white moon, making me catch my breath. This is going to hurt. I felt the saliva drip down my throat as I swallowed

"Kill me! It was my idea to leave! kill me instead!" V's shriek rang in my ears as my brother's knife smirked evilly towards them. I felt the sweat harshly roll down the side of my face. My breath caught in my throat again as my knees were painted with dark drown dirt and green grass. V and RM desperately tried to rip free from their captors, jerking their hands left and right. Tears streamed down V's face as he bared his sharp teeth. "Don't forget what I said." I heard my brother whisper to me. I have no choice..... I thought as I simultaneously nodded ever so slightly. The sweat was quickly replaced with tears as I looked at my friends for the last time.  "V!" I yelled. I didn't wait for him to settle down enough, because I knew my brother didn't care about any last words. "I love you!" I screamed quickly and for a split second I saw the world stop as V stared back at me dumbfounded. I smiled internally to myself. There. I said it..... finally.

I felt the cold metal drive into me and I let the sides of my mouth dip downwards. I heard another scream as my body dropped, hitting the ground hard. My stomach spit fire as the knife was left in my stomach.

That ass. He had another knife out. The screams didn't hinder until I heard the harsh scrap of boots as V was dragged away, leaving with one last scream. "G!"

My laying body was turned away and I felt a tear drop from my already wet eyelids. I'm sorry......

Yoongi wasted no time in demanding that I be put back into my room, never to see the light of day again. I looked up, blaring my best anger at him as the tears dried on my face. There was no point in crying now. Yoongi ignored my pained-angry face and pointed to a person standing close by. I soon felt very muscular arms help me up. "Don't take that knife out of her just yet. She'll bleed to death. I don't plan on killing her yet." Yoongi said, smirking at the last part. I bet he dreams of killing me in his sleep I thought, grunting as pain spiked in my stomach.

"Yes sir." The guys voice rang in my ears as he grabbed me harshly, ripping me up from my position, only infuriating me more. At least be gentle you ass. I narrowed my eyes, and just as he put me upright I raised my leg and stomped on his foot as hard as I could for revenge. I felt cold sweat run down my face and my eyes blared a deep green. The man only laughed harshly at my weak attempt, jerking me. "You think that hurt?" He sneered. I bared me teeth at his insulting tone and when he put his arm around me to help steady my body I open my mouth and bit down hard on his flesh with my sharp teeth. I bet that did though I thought, smiling to myself. The man yelled in pain and retracted himself from me. I swayed a little by myself and let part of my hair fall in my face as I smiled happily. It made me look possessed with the moon's light.

"You liitle-" the man sneered as he raised his hand to hit me, I immediately braced for impact, wincing, but the pain never entered my body. I opened my eye lids slowly, surprised, as I saw someone standing next to him, holding his wrist. I dropped my mouth open, looking at the man breath heavily, like he ran back here. "Why are you-" the recognizable man grabbed me before I could finish and immediately twisted the knife in place. I saw my vision spur and passed out, landing in the new man's arms.

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