Chapter 14

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Immediately when V and I arrived home from the amusement park I started to walk to go sit down, and as my butt hit the couch I sighed happily.

"Finally we're home." I said, stretching my arms. V laughed to himself as he came in, not looking angry anymore, and sat down next to me.

"Did you have fun?" He asked, smiling curiously.

I nodded.

"It was beyond scary, but ya it was fun." I said, causing V to smile again and take out his phone. "Then let's take a picture." He said, scooting closer to me. I only raised my eyebrows, not sure why he would bring this up now.

That's random.

"We never got to take a picture at the amusement park because of that guy, so let's take one now." He said, seeing my reaction. I only shrugged and got in closer. "Ok." I said.

V smiled and held out his phone to capture both of our faces. "Ready?" He asked, using his other arm to wrap it around my waist. I widen my eyes at his sudden movement, but quickly put a smile in my face, not wanting the picture to turn out weird.

"1,2,3!" He said, and the click went quickly off. I let go of my smile after the click, and expected V to let go of me now, but he never did.

He casually drew in his hand that was holding the phone and looked at the picture, a giant smile on his face still.

I was silent for a minute.

"Can I see the picture?" I asked, trying to distract myself from the warm sensation that was beginning to come from his palm. V nodded and passed the phone to me.

"I think it turned out well, even though you're blushing." He laughed. I felt my heart race and looked at the picture quickly, not believing him.

Shit he was right. I hadn't even noticed.

"Don't get the wrong idea." I said, quickly trying to get free, but V wouldn't let go. "What idea would that be?" He asked, his eyes plastered on the screen. It sounded like he didn't care for my answer, but as I darted my eyes around, I saw his face slightly red.

Is he only pretending to act calm? I thought, curiously.

"That I like you." I said, my eyes glued on to his reaction. V smiled a little and turned his head, our eyes locking onto each other. I felt his hand tighten around me and he paused for another minute, looking directly into my eyes.  "So I don't make your heart race?" He asked curiously, his voice soft. "No." I lied, ignoring the pounding of my heart ringing in my ears. His eyes trailed down to my lips and for a split second he just looked at them, his warm breath brushing against my skin as he leaned in. "What if I kissed you? Would you still say the same thing?" He asked, watching me for my reaction as his lips got closer to mine.

We're too close...

A sudden chill from the nearby window sent my skin to ice, though I swear I was burning up, and I shot up just as his lips touched mine.

I ran to the window and quickly shut it. "Stop playing around." I stuttered, as I looked out the window trying to not focus on V. I looked at the nature below us and immediately noticed a guy standing outside, causally looking in our direction. I scrunched up my eyebrows and blinked a few times to see if I was seeing it correctly, but when my eyes came back into focus he was gone.

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