Chapter V Strange Happenings

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Illidan:Is our troops ready?

Vashj:Yes My Lord. We have spotted the undead. Taking control of the Frozen Throne.

Illidan:We must take advantage of him! Get ready to attack!

Kael:Man the Front! Get ready to fight! For Quel'thalas!

(Swords clashing).....

(Blood splurging)....

The battlefield was fierce...
Many Men have died...
Until I saw HIM...

I yelled..
He Faced me and Unmounted his Death Stag

Arrhas:So you have shown your true self. I like your new style.

Illidan:Arthas! This ends NOW!

He immediately rushed his sword FROSTMOURNE It was a very hard blow it made me went to the ground but Thankfully my blade Deflected his. He Attacked and attacked but I quickly Dodged every single one of his attacks but My one Biggest mistake.

While I dodged one of his' attacks I quickly jumped to the air but he quickly swayed his sword upwards while I was falling back to the ground.

Rahhh! He caught me!!
He cut through my chest but the cut was not so deep.

ARTHAS:Pathetic I was expecting a great battle from you.

Illidan:Arghh! Vashj!
I called out to my friend

Master! Kael shouted
Protect the master! He insisted
Kael! Keep on defending the perimeter. Vashj shouted

And from that moment something
Just shined infront of me like an angel of some sort and next thing I remembered I was falling from somewhere really high and I landed on something. Then I lost consciousness.


Vashj's POV

Vashj:what happened to Lord Illidan?
He was just here a moment ago.

VASHJ! we must Withraw the enemy is Advancing

But the master!

Think Vashj What would illidan do?

He would withraw. For the good of his own men

Okay let's go! All Troops Withraw!
Kael shouted

Vashj:Master I hope your okay. Where ever you are.

Kael! Prepare the Portal!


Illidan In Invaders Of The Rokujyouma.Where stories live. Discover now