Chapter XIV

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I got up early In the morning and saw Satomi already up with Theia they were both studying while Ruth prepared Breakfast in the kitchen.

Good morning everyone!

Satomi: Oh! Good morning Illidan-san! 

Theiamilis: Neanderthal let's get back to studying.

Ruth: Good morning
Illidan-san!  *Smooch* she kissed my left cheek

Satomi: Aghh! his jaw dropped

Ruth-san what was that all about?! I reacted in shock

Theiamilis: Let me explain it to you. (Clears throat) Our Laws have stated that if a woman is saved by a Man or a Hero in Great danger They will be considered MARRIED.

Satomi: But this isn't your planet.

Theiamilis: I know but me and ruth are under Forthorthe Laws and im still a Princess.

I get it now. And I will take that Responsibility as her Hero. And also I'm attending in this School of yours.

Ruth: I already Registered you in school just come with us today and also here. She handed me the school uniform

Okay. So let's Get ready!

We all had breakfast and I went to school with all of them we met Shizuka and Makkenji on the way.

When we arrived at school all of the Students started  looking at me the girls went to their classroom first and Satomi took me to the Principal's office.

Satomi: Mrs. Aoyama will give you the uniform and the location to our classroom.


Satomi: okay bye I gotta study!

I entered the Principal's Office and Mrs. Aoyama started talking and made me sign a couple papers and she gave books I would need.

I left the room and went to our Classroom.

Teacher: We have a new Transfer student today

Students: New?.....Again?...

Teacher: Come inside and introduce yourself.

Students: Guys he's here!

Students: Wwooaahhhh! He's so cool!

Teacher: You may introduce yourself now.

My name is Illidan Stormrage It is nice to meet you all.

Teacher: Illidan-san here is from America isn't that right Illidan-san?

Yes! And my father is having a stay here in Japan so I decided to continue my high school here.

Teacher: It is nice to meet you Illidan-san! She said in English

It is nice to meet you too and You are Very Beautiful Sensei!
I replied in English.

Teacher: Oh! Th-thank you now get a seat and I hope you can catch up with our lessons because were having a Test right now I'll be right back with the test papers.

Students: Awwww!!!

Satomi: Hey! Looks like you're already famous throughout the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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