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He stood with his feet planted firmly on the ground, although he felt dizzy. A huge ship loomed over him, one that he'd be boarding in only a few short minutes. The golden words that were scrawled across the side read 'Titan' in golden and glorious lettering that caught the sunlight just enough for it to blind him. She had been given her name because of her claim to be unsinkable, which brought an odd sense of peace and security into his heart to know that he'd be safe. The bridge was lowered and people were allowed to take their first steps onto the ship that was now a legend. He almost jumped out of his skin when he felt a tap on his shoulder, having been so amazed and inthralled by the beauty before him.

"Levi, you ready?" Farlan asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He mumbled. Farlan gave him a smile and they set off to find a pathway.

"You see Izzy anywhere?" He asked. Farlan shook his head, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. "Can't say I have."

Levi sighed. "She said she'd be here. Did she say she'd be late?" Farlan shook his head again and shrugged.

"You know how she is. She probably slept in."

"I wouldn't doubt it." Levi mumbled. Farlan didn't catch the statement.

"So how are we gonna get in?" Farlan asked.

"Hanji said there's a crane at the front of the ship that's loading cargo. We can probably get in there." He explained.

They didn't have a ticket. Their good friend Hanji had gained entrance onto the ship and had told them how to sneak on, not wanting their friends to get left behind on what was surely going to be the best time of their lives. They had explained multiple options but Levi thought the easiest and simplest would be to hide amongst the cargo that was being lifted onto the ship. They would wait until the coast was clear and the ship set off to sail before emerging from their hiding places.

"Levi, Farlan!" A voice yelled. The men turned at the same time to the direction of the voice to see Isabel pushing and shoving her way through the ever thickening crowd.

"We thought you wouldn't show." Farlan commented once she was caught up to them.

"So you were just gonna leave me behind!?" She said in a offended tone. Farlan laughed and they started their own little conversation, following Levi to where they could see the crane working double time to get all the cargo on the ship by the time they departed from port.

He weaved his way through the crowd, the smell of smoke and sweat and the outdoors filling his nose. It was disgusting. He glanced back at Farlan and Isabel, his long time friends from a time he couldn't even recall. He'd known them for so long and he had seen them change from children to teens to the cusp of adulthood. Isabel's hair had seemed to have gotten redder over the years where it was pinned behind her ears. She had first worn it like that by his request and she kept it like that ever since. He watched as her body developed sensual and alluring curves to showcase her womanhood. Her voice lost its childish tone to become more feminine and seductive in the rare times he'd witnessed it like that. Her features softened and her cheekbones became more pronounced, losing their chubbiness that he would often pinch, much to her protests. Farlan was different altogether. His blonde hair had gotten darker from the bleached colour it had been when they'd first met. His body changed to become more muscular and lean. His features hardened and stubble would constantly grow on his chin which Levi would force him to shave. His voice got lower but it would still crack sometimes, a trait that Isabel would get great amusement out of, much to his embarrassment. But Levi didn't notice any changes about himself. He thought he looked just as he did when he was a boy. His black hair was still black, his chin still free of stubble that he couldn't grow, his body still small, and his stature still short.

He cautiously surveyed the cargo that was being loaded on to the ship, trying to look for a spot that they could hide and sneak into without being seen. Farlan and Isabel's conversation had died and he turned to get their opinion. They spoke without being asked.

"We should sneak in with food or something." Isabel said.

"I vow we try and hide in a barrel or something." Farlan countered.

Levi put his chin between his thumb and index finger, thinking over the situation. He watched with interest as a few cars were being driven on to a platform which was gently and slowly lifted up by the crane.

"Or..." He paused. "We could hide in one of those cars." He thought aloud.

"Great idea!" Isabel commented. Farlan nodded his head in agreement.

With the plan decided, they set in to motion. Levi moved to the other side with Isabel and Farlan following. He managed to break in to one of the cars without being seen and they piled into the back to hide on the floor of the car between the back seats and the front. But they were startled when they heard the car door open again, watched as one of the workers got in and sat in the drivers seat. Levi held a finger to his lips to signal to the other two to be quiet and they followed his order. They didn't move as the car was set in motion and they were unable to see where they were going. After what felt like hours the driver had shut the car off and had locked it up. Levi could hear as the mans footsteps echoed farther and farther away from them and the car. He looked up and realized that the car had been driven down and in to the belly of the ship. He smirked and turned to Isabel and Farlan as they all sat up on the comfy seats the cars interior had to offer.

"Like duck soup." He said around a sigh.

And so, Levi Ackerman, age 19, boarded the great ship. The RMS Titan.
•  •  •
A/N: the term 'duck soup' is olden day slang for something easy.

RMS means Royal Mailing Ship, which is the title the titanic was given.

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