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A/N: I hate to make Erwin's dad look like an asshole but I kind of had to
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Levi stormed down the hallway, absolutely fuming. His fists were clenched tightly, cutting crescents into his palms from his nails. He was breathing harshly as he walked, his footsteps echoing off the halls.

It was useless. He'd done all that work just to end up with nothing.

The crowd was thinning out when he returned, only a few groups left, his table included. Hanji looked ready to pass out, they did have a lot to drink and it was late.

"Did you get it?" Isabel asked in a hopeful tone, eyes alight with excitement.

"Does it look like I got it?" Levi snapped, his arms out defensively.

"He didn't have his wallet on him?" Farlan asked, very doubtful.

"I checked his pockets, there was nothing!"

"Did you check his suit jacket?" Hanji asked slowly, their voice saggy and tired.

"No." Levi admitted, casting his gaze down in embarrassment. That was one of the first places he should have checked, what is wrong with him?

"Maybe he just wasn't carrying it at all." Isabel suggested, trying to make Levi feel better. If anything, it just made feel stupid.

"Try again next time, Levi!" Hanji slurred.

Levi glared at them, took a seat, and picked up a random bottle to drink. He didn't know who's it was but he needed to get the taste of Erwin out of his mouth.
• • •
His hurried footsteps echoed off the hallway walls as he got closer to his room.

He had almost completely sobered up now because of the panic in his chest. The only thought in his mind was how he was going to avoid his father. He could try and make excuses to, but his father usually smelled through his bullshit.

Not many people wandered the halls at the late hour, only a few drunkards or night owls meandering about.

The coast was clear when he arrived in front of his room but upon learning that the door was unlocked, he knew he was caught. He placed a hand on the knob and took a deep breath, trying to steel himself before he swung the door open.

He found his father sitting on his bed when he entered, an unreadable expression on his face. Erwin knew it was a bad sign.

"Erwin." His father said. "Lock the door."

He obeyed. He took out his key and put it in the lock, hearing the quiet click when he finished his task.

When he pocketed his key and turned around he found his father standing, an absolutely outraged expression gracing his features now. His fathers lips were drawn down in a deep frown, his cheeks red from rage, his eyebrows almost completely covering his eyes by how much they were drawn down. He seen his fathers hands clench by his sides.

"I'm sorry..." Erwin squeaked. His back was against the door, he didn't dare move.

His father closed in on him and Erwin seen his hand raise into the air and the next thing he felt was a sharp, pronounced slap to his left cheek. He gasped after he was hit, closing his eyes and waiting for the next strike.

"I outta throw your sorry ass off this ship." His father hissed.

"I'm sorry..." Erwin repeated again, this time quieter than the last.

"Shut up." His father snapped. "Now, I didn't bring you on this ship so you could make me look like a fool." His father kicked one of his shins and Erwin drew in a quick breath, but otherwise remained silent.

Loving Voyage(Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now