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A/N: Erwin is totally wearing the silver suit(minus the cane, hat, and bow tie. Bolo tie for days)
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The next morning found Erwin up and slightly sluggish, still in need of more sleep. His eyes felt heavy but he forced them open, and he hated that he had to leave the warm cocoon that was the blankets and his body. He groaned and slipped out of the bed to get dressed and ready.

A simple white button down and black slacks was his outfit that he decided on. He added a blazer with it, not forgetting the important bolo tie that he adjusted around his neck. He examined himself in the mirror and nodded, deciding that he looked good enough. A quick and sharp knock on the door sounded not too far behind, and he stepped over to the door to find his father standing there, dressed and ready to go.

"Are you ready for breakfast?" His father asked.

"Yep." He said. His eyes went wide and he stopped in his tracks. "Pardon," he began, "Yes, I'm ready, father." He corrected. His father nodded and turned to start walking, Erwin following closely behind. He was taught from a very young age that he always had to use proper English because if he didn't, then his future business partners would think differently of him. His tongue would slip often when he spoke but he was getting better at recognizing his mistakes, so it was progress.

He realized belatedly that he forgot to fix his hair into its perfectly neat style, so instead of going back, he combed it and patted it down with his fingers. He buttoned up the middle button on his suit jacket and realized that he wasn't really all that ready for breakfast. But it was too late now so he just had to go on like it was nothing. He didn't look unpresentable anyway.

"Are we going to be seated at the same table?" He asked, hoping he'd get to speak with Mike again. It was pleasant last time so he supposed it would be that way this time as well.

"Yes, we are." His father said. "But I expect you to converse more with the other people at the table, rather than just one person. What you did yesterday was quite rude." His father scolded.

"Yes father." He said as his head hung low. He always obeyed his fathers orders. Or maybe wishes was a better word, he couldn't decide.

Other people emerged from their rooms as they passed the never ending doors with golden numbers planted on them. Erwin cast a bright smile to every person he saw, having been taught to look inviting, and most people returned it.

Brightness shined in his eyes when they made it onto the main deck, the blue sky overhead and the bright sun rising. A few clouds were scattered among the endless sea of blue, a few squawking seagulls flying overhead. He squinted against the sun and followed his father over to the grand staircase he'd descended yesterday. It was just as grand as he remembered. He'd never tire from the feeling of walking down each step to be met with more brilliance that the room had to offer.

He spotted Mike in the crowd but he ignored him for the time being in favour of speaking with his fathers friends. It was boring conversation that he'd rather not be a part of but he forced himself to keep a bright smile on his face and an interested tone to his voice. He was relieved when the doors opened and everyone was allowed inside. He sighed as he took a seat in one of the chairs at the table he was assigned to with his father, and searched for Mike. He was disappointed when the chairs beside him were taken and he watched as Mike took a seat beside some unknown woman. He assumed they didn't know each other for no conversation ensued between them. He felt oddly relieved, seeing as any friends he made were valued and cherished, his homeschooling being the cause of that.

A steaming hot meal was placed in front of him, the smell delectable and the look delicious. He picked up his cutlery and began to eat. It tasted just as good as yesterday's meal and he decided that he could spend his entire life on this ship if it meant he'd get food like this everyday.

He tried to make as much conversation as he could with the other people at the table but most people were busy eating or talking to someone else. Even after seventeen years of life he still didn't understand the complexity of conversation.

The rest of breakfast was uneventful.

"I have arranged a casual meeting today in the cafe with Darius and his colleagues. You're free to do as you wish until seven. I'll visit your room when it's time to go." His father explained.

"Okay. I'll see you then." Erwin replied.

They went their separate ways, Erwin going into his room and his father to his. He spent most of the day in his room doing random things. He had to admit that he felt a little lonely. At around six o'clock he left his room to get his last breath of fresh air before he would be back in the cafe surrounded by other first class men and women, the air absolutely suffocating.

He walked across the main deck of the ship, a band playing a soft tune as he walked by. The air was crisp and cool as the late evening approached, the wind blowing his hair around everywhere. He patted it down again and continued walking before he'd go back to his room to wait for his father. He spotted a familiar head of black hair. He didn't know where he'd seen that man before but he knew he looked familiar.

He slowly approached the man who was leaning against the railing of the ship, looking out at the slowly darkening sky.

"Pardon, but...do I know you from somewhere?" Erwin asked as he stopped by the man, a quizzical look on his face.

The man turned and gave a glance, scowling and turning back. Erwin was surprised by his rudeness. The guy had to be second class by the way he was dressed, black suspenders holding up his form fitting pants, a white and slightly stained shirt that had the first few buttons undone to show the strong line of the mans collarbone. It was odd to see him next to Erwin who had changed into a more formal getup of a silver formfitting suit.

A cloud of smoke rose up from the man and Erwin realized that he was smoking a cigarette, flicking and playing with the lighter in his hand. It looked expensive and Erwin wondered how much money the guy had to be able to buy that kind of stuff but to be wearing clothes that suggested differently.

The man blew out another cloud of smoke and turned back to him. "Why are you still here?" He snarled. Erwin's eyes widened at the mans rude behaviour.

"I know you from somewhere." He insisted. "Wait..." He stopped, "You're the man I ran into yesterday. I'm terribly sorry if I-" He was cut off before he could finish.

"I don't need an apology from a stiff like you" The man spat. Erwin didn't know many slang words but he knew that one.

"Excuse me? I'm not a stiff!" He defended.

"Oh really? That getup says otherwise." The man mocked.

Erwin gasped, his eyes widening at the mans extremely unpleasant behaviour.

"Do you even know how to have fun?" The man asked. "You seem so uptight." Each word the raven haired man said was laced with a thick French accent but Erwin didn't have any trouble understanding what he was saying. The man may have been French but it was clear that he could speak English quite fluently.

"I know how to have fun!" Erwin defended. "I have fun all the time."

A large smirk crossed the mans lips and it almost looked unnatural given the displeased and neutral expression he'd had before. It looked alien. He took a long drag from his cigarette and blew out the smoke slowly before flicking the ashes overboard.

"Prove it." The man challenged. His eyes were narrowed dangerously as he stared.

"I will." Erwin said triumphantly. He supposed he had a few minutes to spare before he had to go back to the room.

"That's great. Lead the way." Erwin tensed. Maybe he took more than he could handle.
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Stiff - a boring, conventional person

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