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A/N: be prepared for smut 👉👌💦
The air outside was colder than it had been before, cutting through Erwin's shirt to chill his skin. It was also darker, signalling that it was slowly getting later into the day as well. He supposes that it must be getting close to eleven or twelve. All he can tell is that it's getting closer to the hours of the next day.

Levi walked to the side of the ship and pulled out a lighter which looks expensive, taking a single cigarette and putting it between his lips. He lights it and after a few seconds there is smoke coming out of his mouth and blowing away with the wind. Erwin leans into the railing on the side like Levi is, watching the water that sparkles under the moonlight.

There is silence between them but it isn't awkward or weird, rather it's sort of fitting. No words need to be said because there really isn't anything to say. That and Levi is still trying to get over the fact of Erwin's mother. He'd honestly not expected that. He had just thought that the blonde was some rich first class man who had never experienced any hardships in life but he'd been wrong. Both of Erwin's mothers died and Levi knows what that feels like, to lose a family member. After his mom passed away he moved to Paris with Kenny and lived there until he was old enough to live on his own, which was when he was at the young age of twelve. Then he began travelling and met Farlan and Isabel, his two closest and only friends. He loved them more than anyone else and he would do anything for them. He kind of got that same feeling around Erwin, the feeling that he's someone loved as well but Levi thinks that that's ridiculous for he's only known the man for a few days yet he feels like it's been much longer.

He cuts his train of thought off quickly because he doesn't feel like looking too far into his feelings at the moment. Instead he takes another long drag from his cigarette and then holds it out for Erwin, who politely declines.

"No, thank you, I don't smoke." He said, his hands up to push the cigarette away.

"Have you ever tried?" Levi questioned, still holding it out for the blonde.


"Then you wouldn't know what it's like." Levi pointed out, "at least give it a shot."

Erwin sighed before he reluctantly took the cigarette. He looks at it for a moment, eyeing it suspiciously before he brings it up to his lips, taking a drag that gets caught in his throat as soon as he does. He begins coughing and his eyes start to water, handing the cigarette back to Levi while he has his coughing fit. Meanwhile the shorter man laughs at him, shaking his head playfully afterwards.

"You're such a-" Levi started, but immediately stopped, because they both detect a familiar voice. Erwin's eyes widen as he recognizes the voice of his father, quickly getting closer. Levi grabs his arm and begins to pull him away to safety where they won't be seen. Erwin's father walks by and doesn't spare a second glance, apparently too caught up in his conversation with the captain to notice them.

"Shit, that was close." Levi said after they come back out into the open, throwing the remnants of his cigarette overboard.

"We better get going." Erwin insisted, to which Levi nodded.

"I have a place where we could go." He said, seemingly thinking it over in his head before he began moving forward quickly, causing Erwin to start forward as well. Levi seems to be walking normally but Erwin has to speed walk to keep up with him and he wonders how such a short man could walk so fast.

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