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"They should be in here."

The three guards begin walking around the storage area of the ship, flashlights in hand as they investigate. One of them noticed the handprint on the car window and they pointed it out to the others. They gathered around and readied themselves to open the door. The door swung open but nobody was inside.
Erwin was laughing hysterically by the time they made it onto the main deck.

He was out of breath from having ran from the lowest level of the ship up a few flights of stairs to the top so his laugh was raspy and light. Levi was laughing too and he enjoyed how the smaller man's face looked with a smile on it.

They were running because they'd heard guards coming and had quickly threw their clothes on, some articles not even on and just thrown over their shoulders. Erwin hadn't bothered to grab his ring, the thought of it hadn't hit him until they were already coming up the stairs to the main deck but by then it was too late. He found that he didn't mind the thought of loosing it. He didn't miss the weight of it on his finger one bit. He also didn't miss the responsibilities that came with it.

"That was insane!" He said between fits of laughter, his hands running through his hair as Levi laughed with him.

"It was..." Levi trailed off, his hands on his hips as he shook his head with disbelief.

They looked at each other for a few seconds before breaking out into laughter again.

"Oh, we should probably get back to your room." He said, gesturing with his head towards the stairs that they'd just come up from.

"Yeah.." Erwin said, his laughter finally dying down to a manageable level. He didn't want to go back. He wanted this night to go on forever. Mostly because when he gets back to his room he probably won't see Levi again. His father will keep him busy with socialization and reputation building along with a bunch of different things and as much as Erwin would love to keep his promise to Levi of running away, he knows that it's impossible. That just makes him sad because he doesn't want to loose Levi. This night has been the best of his entire life and he knows that once he goes back to his room, the fairy tale will end and he'll be shoved back into reality. He wants to make it last just a little longer.

His gaze shifts from the floor to Levi and he only gives a quick glance to their surroundings before he grabs Levi's hand and pulls him close to press a firm kiss onto the shorter man's lips. He's smiling sadly when he pulls away, resting his forehead against Levi's. "I don't want to go back."

Levi knows that the sentence has more than one meaning. "I know." He pulls Erwin into another kiss to get him to stop thinking about it, hoping that he will but he knows that Erwin will worry until it kills him.

The kiss doesn't break this time and they spend a good five minutes holding each other and sharing slow, intimate kisses with gentleness everywhere. There are unspoken words that pass between them, like, "goodbye" and maybe even "I love you".

When their lips finally part Erwin pulls Levi even closer and hugs him tightly, never wanting to let go. He wants this moment to last forever, he wants time to stop and he wants Levi. He doesn't think that the request is that hard to fulfill but he's always been a bit on the naive side.

They are rudely interrupted by a gradually loudening rumble that eventually turns into a high pitched squeal followed by the ship rocking violently. When Erwin looks up he sees a huge iceberg looming over them and a few chunks of it break off and land on the deck of the ship, he shields Levi from them as best he can.

"Shit." Levi says, "we have to go."

Erwin nods his head and breaks off into a sprint, following Levi as the shorter man leads him to the stairs which they descend at an alarming rate. He's led back to his room and before he knows it he's being pushed through the door. The sight that greets him makes him stop dead in his tracks.

In his room his father sits on the couch surrounded by two other guards from the ship. They all stare at him and Levi with cold glares and on the coffee table in front of them is the picture of Erwin with Levi's signature at the bottom, the drawing sitting open in the leather case that Levi had given him.

"So it is Levi who you've been out with." His father says, his tone cold and his face expressionless.

"Father, you don't understand, the ship has-" Erwin starts but is quickly cut off.

"I don't care about this ship I care about the fact that my son has been galavanting around with a third class man causing nothing but trouble! And where has the tie gone? Did you leave it here because we've checked the whole room and didn't find it." His father says, rising from his seat on the sofa to move toward Erwin and point at his neck.

"No, I...I wore it when I left." Erwin replies, a worried expression on his face because he begins to think that maybe he left that behind in the car too.

"Guards, check him."

With the cue from Erwin's father the guards walk forward and begin to search Levi, stripping the man of his jacket and patting every pocket for the diamond tie. Levi glares daggers at Erwin father and says, "Would be just like a first class man to check a third class for something he didn't steal."

"Are you sure you didn't take it?" One of the guards says as he pulls the diamond tie from Levi's jacket pocket and holds it out in front of the other man's face. Levi's eyes widen and Erwin stands there shocked, frozen in place as his father continues.

"Maybe he stole it when you were putting your clothes back on." His father's voice is filled with venom and hatred and as he meets his father's gaze he sees the man is glaring down at him.

"You set me up." Levi interrupts, his voice quiet but then louder as he repeats his words. "You set me up. You slipped it into my jacket pocket when we left, you set me up!"

"Guards, take him away." Erwin's father says.

The guards then surround Levi, who struggles relentlessly to get them off. He's put in handcuffs with his hands behind his back, and so he uses his feet to kick out in every direction as he begins to get dragged away.

"You fucking asshole, I knew I couldn't trust you! I swear to god I'll kill you!" Levi screams as he's taken away, his face red with anger and his eyes wild with hatred.

Erwin stands shocked and hurt in his spot. He knows that he has to go back and find Levi and explain what happened. He needs Levi to understand that it was all an accident because he doesn't want Levi's words swimming around in his head anymore. "I knew I couldn't trust you."

He feels his father's hand on his shoulder and then he's being turned to face the man, a hurt expression on his face and sadness in his heart.

"Well, now that the street rat is gone, you can finally go back to being your normal self. I understand that this was probably just your way of acting out and having fun while you're here but I didn't bring you here to have fun. You need to learn, Erwin." His father says. Erwin is surprised because his father's tone isn't angry, rather it's soft and dare he say caring.

"Now it's getting late so why don't you-" his father starts but he cuts him off.

"You are not my father." Erwin says, his voice low and filled with hatred, his face lacking any emotion. With that, he turns and walks to the door, swinging it open and darting down the hallway to find Levi.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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