Chapter Five

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Broken Hearted 5.

It’s been weeks since the Kenan situation and I’ve tried my best to avoid everyone. It helped to have an en suite bathroom. I had slowly stopped eating.

I didn’t understand why the death of this baby hurt more than the death of the last baby.  Maybe it was because I had this baby for a longer period of time. Maybe cos I lost the first baby by choice or cos I kept the first one a secret from everyone. Maybe it was just the simple fact that I had just lost a baby.

I stretched and grabbed my phone. No texts. No missed calls.

It was like I didn’t exist. No one cared.

I stood up and looked at myself in my mirror.

Why was I feeling sorry for myself? I deserved it.

This was Karmas way of telling me to fix up.

I had the quickest shower ever, before pulling my hair up into a messy bun.

After I was done, I rushed down the stairs 2 at a time.

I rushed into the living room to see Jayden, Khalid and a bag of their friends they were planning his birthday.

“Hi guys!” I screeched.

I decided that I couldn’t live by this me against the world mentality.

The laughter stopped and they all looked at me.

“Kai, your-” One of them started.

“Anyways, how’s the planning coming along?” I asked sitting down.

They just watched me. I knew they knew.

“Kai are you okay?” Jayden asked.

“Fine, just fine why?” I replied.

“Because you just lost y-” Khalid started.

“Anyways where are mum and dad?” I got up and walked out before they could answer. I walked down to the den. Also known as I and my dad’s ‘jamming room’. Music room.

I walked in to see him strumming the strings of the acoustic guitar. His dreads were tied up. 

“Daddy...” I said.

He looked up at me before putting the guitar down.

“Kaila.”  That’s how I knew he was mad at me.

“That’s not my name!”

“I think it is.” He said while standing up.

“No daddy it’s not! What happened beauty?” Believe it or not but my first name was Beauty. But I believed it made me seem like a top prick so I used my second name Kaila instead.

“So you decided to come out of your room then?” He said changing the subject.

“Yes.” I strolled over to the Grand Piano and ran my fingers over the keys playing notes

I grabbed the music sheet and looked at it.

“Put it down!” He shouted scaring me.

“Why are you shouting at me?! I just wanted to see how far we’ve got with our song!” I shouted back.

“Forget it! Were done with it.” He picked it up before ripping it up and walking off.

I stood up shocked. We’ve been working on it for over 6 months now. Did I hurt him that much?

I ignored the feeling before walking over to the little calendar.

SHIT! Photo day!

As you know my mum’s a model, and she got me into it also. So every 2nd Friday of the month we would get a photographer in and take photos for my portfolio.

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