Chapter One

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A/N: Hello everyone(and by everyone I mean anyone willing to read my story...thank you :p). This is my fist every fanfic so some constructive criticism is welcome. I apologize in advance for any continuity errors it has been awhile since I've read the PJO series. Anyway enough of my blabbering please enjoy the story:)

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO HOO or The Trials of Apollo those rights go all to Uncle Rick



Percy POV

     Percy Jackson 2 time savior of Olympus, has fought many battles and had lived to tell the tale. Heck he'd been to Tartarus and back, (literally no joke... do not recommend it). Yes he
was one of the most powerful demigods of his time, and he was about to tear his hair out from all this last minute cramming.
     That's right even heroes have to study. Put him in a life or death situation any time, it would be better that this. Now that all the action had died down, Percy and his girlfriend Annabeth had decided that they wanted to go to Roman collage together. Which was great, but just like any other college he would have to pass the entrance exam first. This, of course, required studying, which required time, which required patience, which....well you get the idea. It's not so easy for an ADHD demigod like himself.

     Percy couldn't even remember the last time he's rested properly, he probably looked horrible right now. With that thought, something shinny caught his attention, and soon the face of his beautiful wise girl appeared smiling down at him from a simmering iris message.

"Hey seaweed brain, how's the studying going," she said brightly.

     Percy smiled just hearing her voice made him feel better.

     She took a closer look at him, and her eyes widened.

"Dear gods Percy! You look horrible, are you sick or something?" She exclaimed confirming his suspicions.

"Good to see you to Annabeth," he remarked sarcastically even though he new she was just worried for him.

"Percy I'm serious, when was the last time you look a break," she said accusingly her stormy gray eyes still looking fierce even through the wavy  message.

     Percy squirmed under her intense gaze "Uhmm....," he responded lamely knowing she wouldn't like his answer.

     Annabeth sighed "Percy how many times have I told you," she scolded, "It's great that you're studying but you shouldn't over exert yourself like this, you have to know your own limits."

"I know," he sighed " It's just that I really want to get into college with you and-" he started ranting but Annabeth cut him off.

"-And you will," she said, "I'll help you with your studying if you want. I am a child of Athena after all," she remarked with a smirk.
     Her tone then  quickly turned serious again, "but that won't do you any good if you work yourself to death. Now go outside and get some fresh air." she said, her voice commanding.

"But-..." Percy protested, alas it was no use,  Annabeth wouldn't have any of it.

"That wasn't a suggestion seaweed brain," she remarked "I'll swing by around 5 and I expect to see a nice refreshed son of Poseidon waiting for me when I get there."

Percy sighed ''ok ok, fine you win I'll take a break."
     He new that he wasn't getting out of this one. Once Annabeth had her mind set on doing something there was no changing it. Although, he was secretly relived to be taking a break from the exhausting work.

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