Chapter Six

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Hey..... so I know its been like 3 years or something, but since we are all stuck in quarantine there couldn't be a better time to update this seemingly abandoned fic. So with that I deeply apologize and shamelessly present to you chapter 6 of  "A Ripple Through Time" (P.S. sorry if it seems my writing style has changed in any way, it has  been awhile)

Jason POV

Everyone stopped what they were doing, all heads turned to the door.

Raven hair

Tan skin

Unmistakable sea green eyes

It was Percy, 14 year old Percy Jackson.

Chiron stood "Percy!" He exclaimed in surprised. The younger Percy briefly glanced at the 5 strangers.

Jason took note of how everyone in the room had tensed up. Not a breath could be heard as everyone waited to see what would happen. Young Percy finally stopped staring at the 5 older demigods then continued on, ignoring their presence.

"Chiron," younger Jackson started, his voice full of  strong emotion that didn't match the facade of a strong face he had put up. "W-we aren't just going to," the boy paused, "just give up on Annabeth, are we?" He finished his voice a whisper. 

Jason could see in Chiron's eyes, the conflict, of what issue to focus on at the moment has he was still processing the shocking news he had just learned. 14 year old Percy walking in at that specific moment was not the most ideal. 

Chiron let out a hefty sigh, "Percy," he started, "of course we are not just going to leave her, but the time is not right. To rush out on a quest now  with no preparation, no oracle, in the middle of a war, would be foolish."

Young Percy did not to seem to like this answer as his brows furrowed and a frown spread across his face. Despite this he let out a defeated sigh seemingly agreeing with Chiron's points. 

The older centaur trotted over to the boy, gingerly placing a hand on his shoulder. "Worry not child, we will find her." He finished reassuringly.

Percy POV 

Everyone had been standing awkwardly in the back  has the tense conversation between his younger self and Chiron took place. Percy couldn't help but feel uneasy watching his life unfold in front of him all over again. Now that they new they were in the past, Percy was worried, since they had no idea how any of this time travel stuff worked, he had no idea what impact their presence here could have on the time line. He didn't want to make a dumb mistake and zap anyone out of existence. Well, almost anyone. As his mind drifted he was soon brought back to reality by the pair of piercing sea-green eyes he could feel boring into him. Percy looked up and locked eyes with his younger self, and for a brief moment, something close to recognition and something else Percy couldn't quite place, flashed in his younger self's eyes. Percy quickly broke eye contact trying to look anywhere else, as not to give himself way. Which, he guessed, just made him look more suspicious.  

This caused his younger self to pipe up, "also Chiron," young Percy started, "who are they?" He motioned to the five out of place demigods, confusion in his voice his expression weary.

Sheesh Percy though, was he always this paranoid!

Chiron seemed to panic before composing himself enough to come up with some lie as to why the five demigods where there. "Ah yes! Goodness I almost forgot to introduce you Percy," he motioned for them to come forward, "these children are new campers!"

His younger self raised an eyebrow, while locking eyes with Percy once again. "Hmm, guess they were found pretty late, they look a lot older." He answered skeptically.

Chiron let out a nervous chuckle, " well not everyone's circumstances are the same and are fortunate enough to arrive here in their formative years."

14 year old Percy nodded understandingly, "yeah, I guess you're right." He then turned to face the group, "allow me to introduce myself then," he put on that trademark Jackson smirk, "In case you missed it the fist time, my name is Percy Jackson." He extended his had for older Percy to shake. 

Percy took the extended hand. As their fingers touched an electric sensation went through his body as a feeling of familiarity washed over him. Nervously Percy replied, "Nice to meet you," he managed to croak out, "my name is Pe-." He stopped himself, wanting to smack his forehead. How stupid was he, he was literally about to give his real name! Percy quickly tried to cover up his blunder, "Pe- P-Perry! My name is Perry, Perry Smithson." He finished sheepishly, hoping his younger self didn't notice.

His younger self nodded and went on to greet the other demigods. The others, noticing what Percy had done followed suite slightly tweaking their names as to not cause an incident. Thalia introduced herself as Natalia Grays and Jason went by Jack Grays. Nico changed his name to Nick Angel and Hazel realizing no one at the camp knew who she was, decided to use her real name.

With introductions out of the way Chiron decided to resume control of the conversation. "Well, now that we have finish our greetings, I suppose I should inform you all that there is a Capture-the-Flag game scheduled for tonight as per tradition when the huntresses visit the camp!" 

The five demigods froze, uh oh

Percy had forgotten that there had been a Capture-the-Flag game on this day. Normally this would not be a an issue, in fact, a good'ol game of Capture-the-Flag is usually welcome. However with the five demigod's current situation, that was not the case. Hiding their abilities would be difficult if they where put in a position that required combat. 

Sensing their distress, Chiron spoke, "Percy!" The calling of his name caused him to raise his head to attention along with his younger counterpart before realizing his name was Perry now. "Percy, you and Thalia will be co-captains in tonight's game against the huntresses."

Younger Percy's eyes widened before reluctantly nodding and heading out the door. As his younger self finally left the room, the collective breath that everyone seemed to be holding was let out. 

"Well that was awkward." Jason mumbled.

Thalia seemed to agree shooting an uneasy look at Percy.

Chiron let out his 50th sigh that day has he pinched the bridge of his nose, his face twisted in intense concentration. "I suppose we need to arrange accommodations for all of you seeing as you probably have no where else to go." He continued, "for now you shall stay in the Hermes cabin as we cannot have the other campers discovering who you are."

A collective groan could be heard from the group as the irony of the situation set in.

Ignoring their protest Chiron continued, "and for the game tonight you cannot  and I repeat cannot  use any abilities that would give anything away." Chiron turned to fully face the demigods, "we do not know why you children have been sent here, but an till we do, we cannot act brashly, we must wait for a sign to know what the purpose of your journey was." He paused, no one raised any complaint, "for now you are normal naive campers, in no way are you some of the most powerful demigods to ever have been. Now go, you have a game to prepare for." With that Chiron led the way out of the cabin.

Percy and the others followed as deep feeling of uneasiness settled in the pit of his stomach. He didn't know why they were in the past but for now their first hurdle to cross was going to be a Capture-the-Flag game.

(A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! Next chapter...... epic capture the flag game >:)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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