Chapter Five

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Chiron POV

As the raven haired boy stepped forward he looked quite nervous, which briefly aroused Chiron's suspicions.

"Chiron...," he started "look, I know this looks suspicious but you have to belive me when I say I don't know what's happening or how we got here!" He exclaimed

"Well that seems to be just the problem my boy, you seem to know a lot about the camp and I but you say you don't know how you got here?" Chiron said scepticaly

"W-well you see...." The boy started

Chiron sighed this was going to be a long conversation.

Percy POV

Well this was going to be harder that he had orinaly hoped Pecy thought to himself.

"Chiron I'm going to make this easy and cut to the chase," he paused "there's no other explaition to what's happening right now......we're from the future."

There was dead silence, all 5 of the demigods had been thinking the same thing but now that Percy had said it, the idea seemed scary.

"I'm sorry what?" Chiron's booming voice broke through the silence "You expect me the believe that!" The disbelief heavy in his voice.

Percy sighed "I know it seems crazy and impossible, but just hear us out ok."

And listen Chiron did.

Percy told him everything that had happened so far, with the others adding in their own details. Chiron had stayed silent throughout the whole ordeal and Percy was worried that he still did not believe them. The conversation ended and there was once again silence.

Chiron finally spoke up "If what you are saying is true," he paused "then that must mean you are the older versions of some of the children in camp at this very moment." He said this voice in shock.

Percy tensed, he had totally forgot about that. He mentally face palmed.

"Well yes," Percy continued "we are and I supose we should tell you just exactly who we are."

Everyone in the room tensed in anticipation.

Percy took a long pause "My name... is Percy, Percy Jackson."


Chiron stared wide-eyed "P-Pecry!" He gasped in disbelief "Thats why you looked so familiar!" A look of fondness came over Chiron's face for a split second "My gods, how much you've grown." He muttered to himself.

Percy smirked to himself before signaling Jason to go next.

Jason nodded "I'm Jason Grace."

"Thalia Grace," Thalia chorused "children of Zeus."

Chrions eyes widened "Zeus." He gasped

Before he could react further Hazel piped up.

"Hazel Levesque."

Nico continued after her hesitating for a moment "Nico di Angelo, we're children of Hades."

Something flashed in Chiron's eyes before we continued to stare shocked.

Chiron POV

Posiden, Zues, Hades. All of the big 3 all of there children were gathered here all 5 of them and they were from the future. Chiron was at a loss what did this mean why would the fates send these demigods these, these specific demigods?

Just as all of this was coming together the door slammed open. Everyone's
heads snapped towards the sound.

And with that walked in 14 year old Percy Jackson.

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