Chapter Three

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A/N: Hello another chapter. I put Thalia's POV in this chapter because Wattpad wouldn't let me put it in the previous chapter also HAPPY 2017!!! So.....yeah anywho ENJOY!

Percy POV

He could see nothing but Percy could feel the hard dusty surface he was on, along with the sounds of nature so he guessed he was outside. He still couldn't see anything and for a horrifying moment he thought he had gone blind, but slowly his vision came back to him blurry at first but it was a start. Percy then became aware of the a painful groaning of other people beside him, he wasn't alone he immedetly went on alert. Slowly He stood up his vision swam for a bit before he could see clearly again, then he saw several figures limp on the ground. Wait no not just any figures Percy new these people they were his friends laying on the floor. Thalia, Jason, Nico, and Hazel to be exact. How did they get here? Wait, he thought, how did I get here!?

"Guys!" he shouted worriedly and quickly rushed to the sides of his semi-conscious friends confused on what they were all doing here.

Thalia raised her head " P-Percy," she asked slowly.

He smiled she was ok, the others also soon started to awaken rubbing the backs of their heads.

"What just happened," Percy heard Jason mumble as he stood up and soon all the demigods were awake.

" I'm glad your all ok," Percy said " but does anyone know where we are?"

They all looked around

" I-it looks like," Nico paused "Half-Blood hill?"

"What, how did we end up here?" Hazel asked " just a moment ago me and Jason were at Camp Jupiter with Frank and Pi-," she stopped her eyes widened " light we saw do you think..." She trailed off

"I don't know." Jason replied

Percy gasped "Wait you saw the light to!"


There was a collective murmur of agreement through out the group

"Well we are at camp lets, just as Chiron he'll probably know what in Hades is going on here, it was probably just some spell gone wrong." Nico said

Percy was skeptical "Maybe."

With that the five walked up the hill to Camp. They had passed Thalia's tree when a voice stopped them.

"Hey! Who are you guys!"

They all turned around quickly. Behind them a buff looking girl with a bandana around her head had a sword pointed at them. Wait.... this wasn't just any girl Percy new this girl it was Clarisse! No it couldn't be this girl was so much younger, but....she....looked so similar to Clarisse.

"What...." Percy murmured "no I-it can't be....but..." He stuttered at a loss for words

But Nico bet him to it "Clarisse!" He said wide eyed and shocked

Clarisse's eyes widened but she then glared at them "How do you know my name, are you guys demigods." She said still glaring.

Ok now Percy was really confused, why didn't she recognize them? What was going on!? He took a step towards her and he could she her tense up when he did "Relax Clarisse, don't you recognize us, its me! Percy, Percy Jackson! And Thalia, Nico, Jason, Hazel ringing any bells here!"

"What!?" She gasped "Your not Prissy or Thalia, your way to old to be them, and I don't know who the heck those other people are! Who are you guys....are you monsters." She glared at them ready to attack at any moment. "I'm going to take you guys to Chiron he'll know who-" she paused then mumbled under her breath "or what, you guys are."

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