Chapter Two

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A/N: Hello people, I'm back with chapter 2. Sorry this took FOREVER and to anyone reading this I am soooooo sorry but school has really been keeping me on my feet, but enough of my rambling you came to read enjoy! ^_^

Jason POV

     Jason Grace walked hand in hand with his girlfriend Piper McLean. Piper had decided to visit for the week from Camp Half-Blood (now that the two camps were cool with each others existence and all).

      Jason couldn't help but grin, they were one their way to see Frank and Hazel, and life was going great. He found his long lost sister, he's got the best girlfriend in the world (A/N: sorry to all yo percabeth fans ^.^) and Leo was back! Yup life was pretty great, Jason looked over at Piper still smiling.

     Piper looked over at him and gave him a funny look "what?" She asked grinning back.

Jason snapped back to reality, "Uh....ah... no-nothing," he stammered.

     Piper rolled eyes and laughed "come on," she grabbed his hand, "we're going to be late meeting Frank and Hazel." She then broke into a jog, dragging a stumbling Jason behind her.


     By the time they reached the top of the hill where they were supposed to meet Frank and Hazel, they were out of breath and laughing. Jason rolled onto the ground and pulled Piper down with him, she let out a shriek and fell on top of him, the two of then started rolling on top of the hill together. When they finally stopped laughing (rolling), the two of them looked up to see the smiling faces of Frank Zhang and Hazel Levesque.

"Well well, look who finally decided to show up." She said grinning

"Ah... heh, sorry we got a little sidetracked."Jason replied sheepishly

"We can see that." Frank replied sarcastically

Jason helped Piper up then brushed himself off

"So," Piper asked "how's life been treating you."

They smiled.

     The four of them talked for hours and hours, about everything. They laughed and remembered past times, they even talked about their plans for the future.

     Frank leaned back onto his hands, with Hazel leaning against his shoulder, "we should do this more often," Frank said wistfully. Hazel hummed her approval.

"Yea-," Jason started but cut of, something felt wrong, a feeling of unease washed over him. Jason sat up straighter suddenly alert. He noticed Hazel sit up and stiffen.

"Jason?" Piper asked confused.

"Hazel, what's the matter?" Asked a concerned Frank.

Hazel and Jason said nothing. They both shared a look as the feeling of unease grew stronger.

"Haz-," Frank began but he was cut of because by now the feeling of unease and danger were so strong now that Jason new something terrible was about to happen. Apparently Hazel was getting the same vibes he was because they both drew their swords at the same time and stood back to back. This might sound drastic but as a demigod you learned to trust these instincts.

"Guys! What are you doing what's wrong!" Piper asked now extremely concerned, she tried to get closer but Jason jumped back.

"No!" He yelled suddenly "Don't get close Piper it's dangerous...some-somethings about to-".

     Before he could finish his sentence the brightest light he's ever see in his life came up in front of him and Hazel. After that what happened next was all one big blur, he remembered hearing screams that might have be him or Hazel (probably both of them). Jason remembered hearing the worried voices of Frank and Piper. And then the pain...oh gods the pain, it was unlike anything he's felt before. It was a rearing white hot pain that shot through his body like a million little fireworks. Then it all went black and all Jason felt was an endless weightlessness like falling into a bottomless pit.

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