Chapter 7

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Davis and I spent the entire day together laughing and having fun. He came home with me to ensure my safety from Braydon. I had forgotten how much I had loved him, all I cared about after he left was satisfying my hunger for sexual dominance. This is a confession. After I was raped in middle school by some creep. I had hated life. Hated everything. This is when my Gothic lifestyle started. It was after Davis left that the beginning of a domination faze had begun. I never let anyone on top of me, I only wanted them to pleasure me. Though, at the time, I hated men and usually slept with women, sometimes older than me. I still had sex with them. Sometimes I did it to steal some of their money when they fell asleep. When Davis left, all I knew was darkness.

It may seem like total bull shit, but hear me out. I wasn't dominant like Michael. I never was the whips-and-chains kind of dominant, ever! I was just the dominant who wanted pleasure, who never let anyone on top no matter what. Eventually, I became numb to any emotions. Emotions where pointless things that got in my way of my hyper sexuality. But, eventually I realized I needed to slow down or something bad would happen to me. I weaned myself away from sex and then I met Braydon and you know the rest from there.

David and I lay there staring at the ceiling. My back was still sore but lying there felt good. No sex. No talking. Just cuddling quietly. My submissive relationship would be over in less than two days, I was beginning to get nervous and I think Davie was too. My desire to make love to him was becoming more and more difficult to control. I just wanted to roll over on top of him and take him! But I couldn't, not until I'm free from Braydon at least.

"You hungry?" I asked him, kissing his neck gently.

"Sure. I could order something. Pizza? Chinese? What are you in the mood for?" He asked. I could tell the kisses on the neck drove him crazy, so I did it again.

"I'm in the mood for you but Chinese sounds good too." I whispered with a seductive giggle. I trailed kissed down his neck and to his chest. I didn't want to rush him, but I was so ready for him! I wanted to pull his pants down and go to town! He drove me crazy! He was pretty muscular, his summer baseball tan was fading, his green eyes didn't hold their normal sparkle and we both knew why. Everyone at school could tell something was troubling him. People came up and asked me what was going on between us and why he was being so protective over me. My usual response was to shrug and tell them to fuck off.

He chuckled, "Vic, if I'm not mistaken I think you want to have sex with me!" He joked, he knew I did. "Maybe, I want you to eat something first, okay?"

I sighed dramatically, "As you wish. I don't want to have sex with you, that sounds slutty. I want to make love to you, that sounds innocent and perfect." I said softly, gazing into his eyes I saw them sparkle for the first time in the past few days.

He smiled, "Okay. We can make love after I feed you." His phone started ringing. He sighed and looked at the caller-ID. "Hello?" He said groggily into the phone, "I'm busy, can I call you back?" He paused again. "Okay, man, talk to you later."

"Who was that?" I asked curiously.

"One of my friends who I was suppose to hang out with. I'd rather have you though." He smiled at me and kissed my nose. "Now for dinner."

"So sweet." I said to myself as I watched him walk out of my room. Things had becoming slightly more realistic, yet at the same time it was becoming unrealistic. The things that were unfolding between me and Davis and the things to come with Braydon. I was terrified of what would happen, of what will happen. He would hurt me and I wouldn't be able to stop him. No matter how much I tried to reason with him.

I watched him walk out of my room. The wetness that had pooled itself between my thighs had started to become unbearable. I needed Davis so bad right now! I felt my hand glide its way into my panties. My fingers making slow circles on my swollen bud. I bit my lip to keep from moaning. No matter what I did, only Davis could satisfy my sexual hunger. He could be gone for hours and I'd still need him. "Hey, Vict-" He stopped mid sentence. Our eyes locked and I gushed. Moaning loud, chest heaving, back arching. I could see him starting to become aroused. "Uh, food will be here in, uh, five minutes." He stuttered.

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