3 Crap! They saw me!!!

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"I know girl!" I squealed as we trudged up the HUGE staircase to the third floor of her house.

"Lets watch a movie!" Abby said plopping down on her bed.

"Ya sure, how about the hunger games?"

"Way ahead of you." she laughed.

"Are we here alone?" I asked.

"Yep my parents are out of town ... So we got da hous tu ouseves. She laughed going ghetto. "By the way are you hungry? I have tons of snacks."

My stomach twisted, "Nope, I'm good. I ate before I got here." I lied.

She threw me a odd look, "You sure bout that?" Even though I'm a professional liar, She's the only person in the world that can tell when I am lying.

Wiping all the emotion from my face, I quietly said "Ya, I'm good. Thanks though"

She narrowed her eyes,"Take off your hoodie, NOW."

"No, why would I do that?" I said.

"You did it again didn't you? I've already told you your gorgeous!!! Have the body of a freaking runway model."

"Just stop, ok? I'm fine!"

*Abby rolls eyes* "No your freaking not!"

"Not only have you not been eating you've probably been..."

She quickly grabbed my wrist and pain ripped through where she was holding. She was holding where I had cut last night.

"You did it again! Why? Just why?!" She shrieked when she pulled up my sleeve.

I've heard enough. "I need some fresh air" I stood up and bolted down the stairs and out the front door. I still had my beenie on because it was FREEZING, I put by black hood up. I shivered. It is so cold I can see my breath.

"This is total CRAP! I thought as I ran past random houses. "I've never been this far into this neighborhood! Nothing looks familiar." I walked past random houses with HUGE gardens and driveways.

"HAHA!!!" A laughing voice boomed loudly out of a driveway I was about to run past. I stopped dead in my footsteps.

I SWEAR, I almost peed myself right then and there.

*guy 1"Yo man, you this is fricken awesome shit!"

I dove forward doing a awesome ninja role, hiding myself behind a huge brick mailbox in front of the huge house I'm guessing a millionaire lives in. Because it is gorgeous.

I peek around the mailbox to see two guys higher than three Christmas trees laughing and smoking something on the front porch. Something as in something not legal.

"Ha yep, that's it, I'm outa here. I'm not stickin around for those guys to see me." Just as I'm about to jump out of my hiding spot three more guys appear on the porch.

" Seriously?! You guys aren't worried about getting caught?" One of the newcomers questioned.

"Well its not like you guys don't do it." Said *guy 2* that had been sitting on the porch before they came out. The first guy gave a low laugh.

" Ya, we all do it...JUST NOT ON OUR FRONT PORCH YOU IDIOT!!!" Another voice added.

"Ok, now would be a good to make my exit, there all druggies! I'm outa here!" I thought. Still in a crouching position, I shifted my weight backwards and being me, only ME! My foot slipped off of the curb causing a loud scraping sound.

*guy 2 "What was that?!"

After that everything goes silent.

"Maybe they thought it was an animal or something?" I made the decision to count to three and run like a gazelle about to be eaten by a lion like on Animal Planet.

"Oneeeee.......Twooooo....." I quietly whispered.

"Three! GOTCHA!!!." a deep voice growled behind me.


As much as I love you guys, just freaken MURDER that like button!!!

Ok, Peaches!!!:D

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