Theo Raeken〔1〕

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Stiles had convinced you to do something stupid. Again.

He said he needed your wolf powers so you were confused to see Liam in the backseat of his jeep when he came to pick you up. But then he explained how Liam was still 'a beta in need of training'.

You had no idea what you were doing or why the hell you signed up but things only got more confusing when Stiles' jeep stopped in front of the woods. However, the three of you proceeded to walk further and further into them.

At the sight of your old best friend, Stiles got the both of you to sniff him. The next thing you know, your being forced by Stiles to run for your life only to be stopped by Theo himself.

After a long stare down between Theo and Stiles, the three of you began to make your way towards the jeep before Theo's hand grabbed your arm.

"I came back for an alpha but I also came back for you, Y/N"

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