Clary Fray〔1〕

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Magnus had warned Clary multiple times about the relationship between you and Jace.

But did she listen?


does she ever tho?

Magnus was a close friend of yours and had been for a while now. He knew about you and Jace, he also shipped it, so when he saw how much Clary adored Jace, he wanted to make sure no hearts would be broken. Because of this, he had told her to not get too close to Jace.

However, as much as she tried, she could only see you and Jace as friends. You would always be joking around like how best friends would. However, you and Jace both knew how much PDA annoyed the Lightwoods so you kept your relationship private.

So when Clary saw you and Jace lip locking in a club after a successful mission, she broke.

"I tried to warn you. I'm sorry"

"I should've listened to you, Magnus"

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