Captain Hook〔1〕

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you're about 16

Hook had saved your life from the hands of Pan back in Neverland and since that day, you always felt the need to repay him. Although he had told you multiple times that there was no need, you continued to insist. In fact, you wouldn't leave him, his crew or his Jolly Roger alone.

He had kept telling you to go home but since it had burnt down, thanks to the Evil Queen, you had nowhere to go. Nevertheless, you didn't mind sticking around since you were always up for an adventure. However, being your clumsy self, you always ended up in some kind of danger.

Eventually, Hook had gotten tired and didn't want to argue with you any more so he let you stay. He had in fact grown a liking to you, and because of this, there came a time where he wouldn't allow you to join an expedition knowing how much of a klutz you were.

"Not this time, Y/N. It's too dangerous"


this was eh, im sorry :/ 

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