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He says something while eyeing my phone but the song was too loud I couldn't hear all too well. I pull one ear plug out "you said something?" I'm blinking long and hard. Nervous and excited about having someone like that sit in front of me. Well, let me fix that. I'd be nervous and excited if ANYONE sat in front of me. I haven't been interacting with anyone but my therapist. My parents also, but that doesn't really count. Because, there is nothing to say except "Can you pass the plate please"

He lifts a side of his mouth as if to smile and repeats "I said do you like Die Antwood or is it because its a cool cover?" His eyes are the piercing-vibrant-hazel type. The type that hooks you on. That, or maybe due to the fact that I'm too horny for fancy descriptions. I flip the phone to remember the cover, Die Antwood in her pale glory and stunning white hair. Her aesthetic is pretty pleasing to me. I struggle to let the words come out "Both"

His eyes furrow at my short answer but his side smile is still there. "well, entertain me then. What do you like about her" He takes a nice scoop from his ice cream cup and oh God his eyes are still on me after he puts the scoop in his mouth.

"Um, well" I hesitate "I find her gorgeous and her music isn't half bad" He chuckles at that. "Half bad? She squeals and sings like a horny child" He managed to make me laugh. "I'm not gonna lie, she really does but I don't mind it sometimes" I get a scoop off my ice cream so he won't see me blush. I hate interacting with men, they scare me most of the time. He definitely does but he also gets me exuberant.

"Is that what you were listening to or?" His smile just doesn't leave.

"No, I'm listening to Radiohead. Here" I take the other ear plug off and hand it to him. He accepts it and puts on. I replay the song to him. They always start slow though and I don't know much people that like it. He seems caught up with the song, his head bobbing to the sound, I assume.

"Lotus flower, is it?" He says after a while. I'm turned on at the fact that he not only knows the band but also the name of the song. I nod and then he starts doing weird things with his arms as if mimicking Thom York in the video. It got me coughing myself into a laugh. He then hands me the earphones and looks me in the eye and then my hair and then downwards towards my neck? He seems confused. Though, his eyes grow bigger "Hold on" He says as his arms reach out towards my face. I breathe faster and close my eyes hoping he won't do anything but then I feel his finger swiping what seems to be one of my escaping tears.

My heart flutters then splatters onto my stomach. I'm all shades of pink. "It happens." I say in a hurry  "my eyes get teary from everything and I'm too used it I don't notice." I look up for a reaction but Im too much of a chicken shit my eyes wander somewhere else "I'm sorry" I blurt out.

He fixes his posture and his smile finally dissipates "Theres nothing wrong. You don't have to say sorry." the air gets thick with silence. He decides to break it by saying his name.

"I'm Odyn"

"I'm Ruby"

"well, miss Ruby, I'm about to head out will you care to join me?" Fuck, what the fuck. A dude just told me to chill with him "Look, its with a couple of friends, nothing to worry about" He says after he noticed my reaction.

"I can't!" I say directly, I wrap some of my fallen strands around my bun and tug on to my sleeves. I have a major phobia of walking alone with a man let alone a GROUP of men.

"It's okay, you just seemed very interesting to me. I didn't mean to scare you, alright?" He starts to get up taking his ice cream cup leaving a thick scent of woods and honey. He stretches his hands for me to shake. I do and then he takes off.

I head to the house after I finish my almost melted ice cream.


I wake up with a sharp pain in my fingers and head. I'd usually guess where I am by how dark it is outside but I can feel my rigid body on the cold marble floor. A faint sound of the AC turned on. I've found that I'm in front of the glass door that leads to the backyard. Its blotched and smeared with blood. I look down at my bloody gown but then at my hands. What have they done today. My fingernails tore up from scratching the glass or hitting it too hard. Dark taints, like childrens scribbles all over the door except that the handle is almost covered. My parents must have had enough and locked the door.

Mom used to garden a lot. Our yard was filled with pretty colourful flowers and plants, it got her mind occupied which she liked. It stopped since Eric. Everything did. Until a week after his death, my body was almost always found lying on the dirt holding something Eric had dug for me to find. My parents tried to stop it by locking my bedroom door but then when they thought it was safe to open they'd find me with huge swellings on my head, my hair ripped and some skin scraped off my arms from how much I'd scratch them.

One time, my dad thought if he could carry me to bed was a good idea but then the next day he wouldn't talk to me and he'd try to cover his inflamed lips and bluish purple eyes.

It took me three tries to get up. The first time, I tripped on my own gown and the latter my arms were too week I broke down for a minute or two. I managed to get to the sofa only to find a bottle of sleeping pills on the arm chair. My parents left it for me.

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