Hell and Spell

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"You'll have to ask Medusa for that spell."

Kid's POV

I stood shocked. If I didn't get the spell, Maka could possibly kill herself with insanity. If I did get it, she'll never be the same girl. She would look in the mirror and see an evil possessive girl wanting her weapon all to herself. I sighed. "So all I have to do is ask for a spell?" Stein looked over his shoulder and nodded. "She should wake up sometime today. You are free to stay, I won't dissect for not showing up to class. However, your friends are no excuse." He walked out of the room and shut the door.

I sat down in a chair next to Maka's bed. She looked so peaceful sleeping there. 'Should I tell her when she wakes up? Maybe tonight I'll ask Medusa for the-' My thoughts were interrupted by the one and only, Blackstar. "MAKA, IS SHE OKAY, KID?! SHE BETTER BE!" He yelled in my face. "Yeah, she's fine. She should wake up sometime today." I said sounding bored. Soul sat down, still with tears in his eyes, in a chair on the other side of Maka. "K-kid, please take care of h-her while*sniff* I'm in c-class. If she wakes up *sniff* tell her that I hope she's okay." Soul said sniffing. "Alright, I will make sure that nothing happens." I nodded.

After a while, they had to leave because class was going to start in 2 minutes. And right after they left, Maka woke up.

"Kid? What happened?"
"Oh thank Lord Death, you're awake! We thought you would die! By the way, Soul got married and lives in Canada now."
"A couple hours. I was kidding. They're in class."

She pouted. "You shouldn't do that, Kiddo-kun! I was scared there." I laughed. 'She was the first to call me Kiddo-kun. Then my father started saying it and she stopped. I hope she'll be okay.' I thought with my hair covering my eyes.

"Is everything okay, Kiddo-kun?" Maka asked with her head tilting to the side. "Maka, we have to get ride of Mika. And the only way is to..." I said looking in her eyes."....have Medusa take Mika out and placed in a special mirror. Where she will be forever."  Maka was emotionless. She didn't say anything but, she was mumbling to herself.

Maka's POV

'What was Kid talking about? I don't remember....oh. That day, the dream, Medusa, the necklace, Mika, my plan, and now. Guess we'll have to leave tonight to see Medusa.' I thought playing with the bed sheets. Before I could say anything, Professor Stein walked in.

"So, Maka, how are you feeling?" "Fine. Will I be able to leave today?"

He paused. "Yes you can but, you need to take some of this." He said picking up a purple liquid. "What is that?" Kid and I said in unison. "It's like.....medicine." He said looking blankly at me. I gave him a 'non convinced' look. "This liquid isn't going to kill you so, calm down. Since Mika has the ability to change your appearance and heal your wounds, she'll most likely help with your injury." He said pouring some of the liquid into a small cup.

After he poured some, he turned to me and Kid. "However Maka, if something happens during a fight or mission, you must take this. No excuses. Mika's healing isn't fast enough, it'll take about a days if it's minor. You're lucky because with Mika's healing and this liquid, it'll only take minutes to hours."

I was shocked. 'Mika can do that?' I thought as I drank some of the liquid, expecting it to be sour. But, it was sweet? "Professor, why does this taste sweet?" I said to Professor Stein. He turned his screw, which made an awful sound that I hate a lot, and fixed his glasses. "It's made of a berry by the name of Midnight Berries.(Random name I made up.) It helps people heal faster. In your case, it helps you stay sane and healthy. If you didn't take this medicine, you could possibly be in danger, a life or death situation." He said, again with no emotion whatsoever.

I got up from the bed, Kid stood up, worryingly, and was attempting to walk but, failing in the process. Kid, however, caught me, as always. "Maka? Are you okay? Can you walk?" He put his arm around my waist and my arm around his neck to help me stand. "Yeah, I'm fine." He nodded and we left. I expected our friends to be there outside, waiting for us. Instead, I found an empty hall with no one in sight. 

"Where is everyone?"
"In class. The others weren't allowed to visit because of your 'condition'. "

He said walking me to the entrance door. 'I guess we're heading to see Medusa.'  I thought as Kid put me on his Beelzebub and we left.

Vanessa's POV (When was the last time this happened?)

After the whole killing Maka incident, I was walked to my class. Before I sat down, I saw some girls looking at me and laughing, snickering and giggling. Then I looked around and saw everyone was either whispering or snickering at me. I walked to my desk, which is in the very back, all of my stuff was gone. I was going to put someone 6 feet under ground when, I realized Lord Death possibly took my stuff. Oh well.

{Author's note(MUST READ): If you have been bullied or being bullied please know you don't have to read the bolded text that is coming up. That is if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Thank you!}

I walked out of the school only to see a group of girls at the bottom of the stairs. As my feet barley touched the ground, I felt like I was knocked down off my feet. I fell to the ground as they laughed. My stuff was scattered around me due to the fall. I picked my things when I was pulled by my hair. "Where are you going, b****?" One of them said. Then the girls' group leader, Nikki, came up to me and bended down. "We know what you did to poor Maka." My eyes widened.

"Everyone knows sweetheart. We also know your secrets about the boy you like, too. And how you fantasize about him all the time." She said as her girls began to bring some boys with them. "I've always hated you. You know, you're just a waste of space. So, I'll be nice and put you out of your misery, for now that is." She laughed, along with the other girls, and walked away but, the boys were holding wooden baseball bats and punching their fists. I knew what was going to happen. Before I could prepare for the impact, one of them kicked me in the stomach, catching me off guard. They kicked and punched me until I bled. I was a child's toy being thrown around because something didn't go their way.

After they beat me, I was black and blue. I had bruises on my face and stomach, cuts on my lip and arms, along with a bloody nose. However, no broken bones. I grabbed my things and limped all the way home, which is far. I wondered how they found out about everything. 'Maybe someone witnessed it and spread it around. Yeah, that seems right.'  I thought as I entered my house. I sat down on the couch and fell asleep, hoping I could escape them tomorrow.

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