Sorry plz don't hate me

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Hey guys, it's been a while! I'm really sorry I have been updating for any of the stories. Okay, okay just hear me out!

I'm not going to lie--I really did want to update but, I'm losing passion for my already published Soul Eater stories. I'm not going to delete them or anything but, I just won't update any more. I want to keep them up for those that enjoyed them so they can still read it.

I honestly haven't watched Soul Eater in forever and have lost a passion for writing about it. Comparing how I did before that is. Nevertheless, I still love it and will one day come back to it. So I have decided to not update for some time and discontinue Just My Insanity and Random Soul Eater One shots until further notice.

I'm not going to stop writing though! I have a ton of stories I am working on! Though my works in progress probably won't be done until....I dunno but a looong time. I have planned a few different fandom stories and even a Realitic Fiction one! Again, those will be in the future and not any time soon.

As for However, I will finish the later chapters and leave the prolouge there for you guys. Ya know, to get you guys a peek of what I plan for that and just in case you wish to read it! That is, when the actual story is published. You guys will already know what's going on.

I think that's all.

I will not update this story. And again, I'm sorry and I hope you guys support and respect my decision to do so.

From Yours Truly,


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