How You Meet ~ Michelangelo

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 ~Your Point of View~

I plopped down at the office chair of my room. I grinned at the creaky noise it made as it met my weight.
I giggled to myself and then looked at my chocolate brown teddy bear on my desk.

"Don't look at me like that, Brownie! It was the chair!"

It sat still as always.

"Not like you don't fart." I pouted.

After sending an adorable glare toward my stuffed animal 'roommate,' I powered on my laptop, patting at my lap impatiently to a random beat I made up in my head.
The screen practically blinded me.

"AuuuuGHHHHHh!" I groaned.

Afterwards, I began clicking away to Google Chrome and browsing through my favorite social media.
Instagram of course!
After looking through my favorite accounts on there, I opened a new tab and went to YouTube before beginning to blare music in my room. Thank goodness I live alone, right?
I did a little wiggly dance before going back to the first tab and looking at the notification on the little heart icon.

'party.dude has requested to follow you,'

Eh, alright, he seems cool.
I approved the request and began browsing through his account as well.
There were screenshots of songs, skateboard stuff, lots of pizza and a few things about ninjas.
My phone went off and the guy had Direct Messaged me.

party.dude- Hey dude! Sorry if I seem creepy or something, but, you just seemed pretty cool. :)

(Your username)- Nah, it's fine. I probs need someone to talk to constantly anyways!

party.dude- Rad! My name is Mikey, what's yours???

(Your username)- Name's (Y/N)

party.dude- Sweet name, your mother was a smart lady.

Let's just say, this went on for a while.

party.dude- Bro, why'd you eat all the pizza? 

What the hell?-
A picture popped up. It was a turtle man with a grumpy look on his face. His cheeks were puffed out, his brows were furrowed, and his mouth was in the form of a pout. Haha, cute.
Hold up, what the fuck? Turtle man!? 

(Your username)- ?????

 party.dude- Uh, oopsies. I was gonna send that to my brother, sorry.

party.dude- You probably don't want to talk to me anymore, do you? :(

(Your username)- What? That made me want to talk to you more, dude!

 party.dude- Have I ever told you you were like, awesome, dudette?

(Your username)- Maaaaybbeee once. ;)

party.dude- Well I'll tell you again! You're wicked awesome!!!

I grinned and continued texting until I fell asleep.

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