0.2 : The Devil In The Form Of A Father

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Akasha jolted up out of her bed, gasping for air and clutching her chest.

Her eyes frantically scanned her surroundings to find herself in her bedroom.

Running her shaky fingers through her hair Akasha frowned; feeling her hair was completely damp.

She closed her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair again, getting the same results as before.

So I wasn't dreaming...


Akasha's eyes sprang open and she cursed under her breath; her father was home.

As she scrambled around to fix both her appearance and the appearance of her room, Akasha struggled to figure out what happened.

One minute she was minding her business; browsing the web and then the next she was being cornered in an alley by some stranger.

Then she wakes up in her bed?

Nothing seemed to add up...

"Akasha!" Sean spat angrily as he bombarded his way into her room smelling like cheap liquor and cigarette smoke.

"Y-y-yes sir?"

"I've been calling you since I first walked in through the door, what the fuck was you doing? And why is your hair wet?"

"I just got out the shower, I didn't hear you." She softly responded making brief eye contact with him before darting her attention on to the dull hardwood floors.

Sean lowered his drunken gaze at her before he stood up against the door frame in a failed attempt to seem sober.

"Clean up this damn room and get your ass downstairs, make yourself useful and make me something to eat. I'm having company over soon so make some extras."

"Yes sir."

Sean rubbed his nose and stumbled out of her room, knocking things over in his path.

"And clean up this damn hallway!" He roared.

Akasha stood in the same spot she was frozen and stared at the door way where her father stood just a few seconds before and wondered just how much he had to drink.

Sean stood at five feet, nine inches; just an inch short of being truly superior to those around him.

His complexion was naturally a light caramel color but as the years went by his complexion became dingy and dull just like his eyes.

It didn't take much for Sean to become a drunken mess and when he became one; the aftermath was never pretty.

Akasha turned around on her heels to finish cleaning up her room when the stench of cheap booze and cigarette smoke engulfed her whole room, making her stomach flip.

Before she had a chance to turn around, Sean grabbed her by the back of her neck and violently threw her on the bed.

"Why the fuck did you lie to me you little bitch?!" He harshly spat as his grip her neck tightened and he roughly held her body down.

Akasha's voice was long gone and she knew that if she didn't find it soon; it wouldn't be a happy ending for her.

"I-I-I I didn't lie."

"The fucking bathroom looks the same as it did when I left out to go to the bar to play my numbers."

She closed her eyes and shivered; silently mumbling a prayer under her breath.

Her eyes snapped open as she was forcefully tossed onto her back by her shoulder and she laid there completely frozen.

The evil glare in Sean's eyes never leaving as his eyes bore down onto her tiny frame, his mouth moved but Akasha was so frightened she didn't look at his lips; in fear of what hateful words spewed from his drunken mind.

Even though she didn't hear what he said over the pounding of her own heartbeat in her ears, she figured it was along the lines of I'll teach you not to lie to me.

There was a voice inside her head bellowing at her to fight back, even if she lost at least she fought back.

But the fear in her was so strong; she could literally feel her soul leave her body.

Suddenly Sean stopped in his tracks completely and his eyes widened in complete fear; a look Akasha hadn't seen since her mother passed away.

His movements seemed almost forced and robotic as the color drained from his skin completely.

His body quickly found the wall as he slid down it, completely frozen with fear.

Akasha sat up and scooted her body back onto her bed until her back touched the headboard.

She tucked her knees into her chest and watched in utter fear as her father seemed to lose his mind to the point where he was muttering the same words over and over again under his breath like a scorned child.

It was almost as if he was stuck in a crippling moment of his childhood.

The question Akasha wanted to know was how and why?

His body began to tremble as his back hit the wall as a result of him rocking back and forth.

The smart thing would have been for Akasha to run out the room and out the house but the sight in front of her had her spooked from the inside out.

It went on for a little while longer before Sean snapped out of his trance like state and stared at his daughter with an emotionless face.

"Akasha, I'm sorry.... I'm so so sorry." He mumbled as he looked at his hands as if he was disgusted with his own skin before he crept out the room and closed the door behind him.

Not even two minutes later the sound of the front door closing could be heard echoing throughout the house.

Sitting there in the same position as before Akasha clutched onto her knees for dear life as her mind replayed the scene that happened in front of her over and over again like a movie stuck on replay.

"My precious thorn... You're safe now."

There was that voice again.

That was the second time, well third or fourth time, she had heard it that day and for once she was actually glad she was hearing that soft, comforting sound.

His words vibrated throughout her body as she slowly dropped her legs onto her bed and slid her body down the bed until she was comfortable.

Once again she felt a warm feeling radiate throughout her body before she quickly fell asleep, not even feeling the strong pair of arms that protectively made their way to her waist and pulled her into his chest.

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