0.1 : Every Rose Has Its Thorn

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Akasha let out a breath of hot air as her eyes scanned the dim lit desktop screen.

It was worse than she thought...

Her name meant Thorn.

No wonder her father made little snide remarks calling her an Akasha in his side.

She placed her head on the computer table and closed her eyes.

"Not everybody realizes that the thorns are what make the roses." She heard a soft yet masculine voice whisper in her ear, making her head pop up extremely fast and her eyes open widely.

There was something about that voice...

Akasha scanned her surroundings before she shook her head.

There was no way in hell she was hearing things.

She had enough therapy sessions and enough happy pills to ensure that didn't happen again.

"The thorns might be sharp and dangerous but it makes the flower more inviting. You know the risks but you still want to see what happens."

Akasha quickly exited out of her program and grabbed her belongings before she stood to her feet and hustled out the library.

She tightened her bulky, navy blue varsity jacket around her petite frame and raised her black book bag higher up on her back.

The weather had been extremely bi-polar lately, mimicking that of her father's attitude in Akasha's opinion.

Today it was wet.

The air smelled like rain and the dull gray skies told a tale of thunder, lighting and heavy rain fall to come.

As a swift wind began to sweep through the streets, Akasha couldn't help but feel like the weather was so much better when her mother was still alive.

The birds used to sing heavenly praises as the sky was bright.

But on that faithful day Akasha noticed a shift in the weather.

The birds weren't singing their beautiful songs that she had grown accustomed to but instead were somewhat screeching at the top of their lungs.

It wasn't until hours after learning of her mother's tragic incident that she realized that birds scream at the top of their lungs in horrified hellish rage every morning at daybreak to warn us all of the truth, but sadly Akasha didn't speak bird.

If she did, Akasha would have begged her mother to stay home from work...

The more Akasha seemed to think about that day, the less she realized that it had started raining and the people around her started to scatter away to keep dry.

It was only when the wind started to pick up and it began to pour down raining that Akasha snapped out of her daze and shuffled her backpack higher up on her body before she started to pick up her pace.

Her hair was sticking to her face before she even had a chance to turn the corner.

Brushing her hair out of her face, Akasha glanced up and noticed she somehow ended up in an alley as she furrowed her brows.

How was it that she was going the wrong way home, ended up in a dead end alley, when she only had to walk two blocks to get to and from the local library?

Akasha let out a heavy sigh and began to turn around when she heard a loud noise behind her before she felt a strong force yank her backwards, causing her heart to fall to her feet and her eyes to bulge out of her head.

"What the fuck are you doing around here?!" A harsh baritone voice whispered as she felt a hand cover her mouth.

That voice...

Akasha started to fiercely thrash about, yelling all types of obscenities before she was silenced.

"Shh! Don't make a sound."

The way he commanded her and the tone of his voice caused Akasha to stop ranting and slowly crumble against the brick wall allowing the person in front of her to remove his hand.

All she wanted was to go home, curl up under her favorite quilted blanket and just forget about the whole day.

Through her rain covered face, looked up and she could feel her heart stop beating.

Even though her vision was blurry, her hair was in her face and the wind was blowing extremely hard; Akasha still caught a glimpse of the person that had her back against the wall, literally.

Standing at about six feet two inches to her five feet and an inch, he was literally towering over her in a protective stance that consisted of his head looking down at her as his arms took comfort in boxing her in front of him.

Time seemed to be moving incredibly slow and before Akasha had a chance to find her voice and speak up, she was being silenced again; this time by the sound of footsteps coming in their direction.

The stranger in front of her lowered his body causing Akasha to retreat further back in fear, the look in his eyes read confusion but then the same fire he had when he first cornered quickly returned.

"Close your eyes and don't make a sound."

She could feel the heat that radiated off his body and quickly closed her eyes, imagining that she was home in her bed.

If anything bad was going to happen to her she at least wanted to find her happy place before she became anymore damaged than she already was.

Soon the warm feeling she felt traveled all over her body and Akasha blacked out, never knowing or paying attention to the loud thundering sounds that surrounded her...

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