0.7: Trouble Magnet

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Once again Akasha found her back up against the wall, but this time her hero wasn't the one who had her caged in front of him.

The once bright and sunny day was long gone which brought out the creeps, sickos and anybody else.

Akasha mentally cursed herself out in her head for not only breaking her promise but for leaving the large group of people to walk home by herself in the night.

One minute she was actually enjoying herself with Angel and a few of Angel's friends until the sky became a dark shade and the next she was being tossed up against an abandoned house with a strong force by two tall teenagers while the third just watched.

Just like last time her screams were muffled but not in that soft and caring way that it was before, instead her mouth was roughly covered by an extremely dry hand and her jaws were being squeezed so tightly that she thought it was going to break.

Her heart was beating so loud in her ears she couldn't even hear herself angrily and violently cursing herself out.

If this just wasn't her week...

"Well look what we got here boys." The third and short male stated in a sinister tone as he rubbed his stubble filled chin. "Such a pretty little thing."

Akasha, once again, thrashed about trying to loosen the tight grip they had on her body but their grip only became tighter.

"Keep the fuck still bitch." The tall toffee colored male that gripped her shoulder blade with one arm and tightly held onto her left forearm demanded as he somewhat yanked her body around.

The longer they held onto her while the short hot chocolate colored male barked orders at them as he made his way towards Akasha; the more she wondered where the hell were the late night neighbors that always seemed to pop up out of nowhere.

Just as she felt a disgustingly clammy hand touch her shirt and make its ways up it, there was a loud voice that called out to them that was followed by a bright light and a dog barking.

Immediately everybody scrambled and scattered away, including Akasha.

She couldn't recall the last time she ran so fast in her life but she was thankful that her legs didn't give out.

The sounds of footsteps trailing behind her made her run faster if that was possible.

Akasha ignored the burning sensation in her legs and kept pushing as hard as she could.

Her eyes darted back and forth to see if she could retreat some place safe and rest awhile before trying again to make her way home, hopefully getting there safe and sound.

The sight of a still opened corner store caught her eye and she quickly darted inside and hid behind the huge rack of snacks.

She was close enough to the door where she could hear what was going on outside but she was still perfectly hidden.

Akasha took that time to catch her breath and she closed her eyes, silently saying a prayer; thanking god that she got out of that situation scratch free.

Just as she was about to stand to her feet and walk out, the sound of two people yelling caught her attention, causing her to slowly peek around the rack of snacks in front of her.

Her eyes grew big at the sight in front of her as she watched the store owner arguing with an armed customer.

The shiny silver metal that was tucked into his waist band which he tried to keep hidden by his hoodie shined bright in the store lights.

She quickly retreated back behind the rack and closed her eyes tightly.

Tonight just wasn't her night.

Although she wanted to help the store owner, she herself needed to get out of the store, alive, and just get the hell home.

Akasha sat there quietly and tuned out the arguing as her mind went into hyper drive.

She could either crawl back outside the door or duck down really low and quietly try to escape.

Going with both somewhat, Akasha crawled half way and stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the store owner yell.

"Don't shoot!"

Her body shivered completely and she could just feel her blood turn cold.

Even though she was scared shitless her body kept moving.

Akasha slowly and quietly ducked down and started for the door.

She was almost home free when she clumsily knocked over some chips, catching both the attention of the armed man and the small store owner.

"HEY!" The armed man yelled as he raised the gun in her direction.

Her feet felt like they were bolted down to the floor as she stared at the end of the gun and her body just remained frozen in that one spot no matter how hard she tried, or thought, to move.

The normally small and quiet voice in her head bellowed at her to run and that's what she did, just in time before the man fired his gun in her direction.

The store owner quickly grabbed her own gun before pressing the silent alarm, alerting the police and pointed it at the once customer turned robber's temple.

Akasha ran away from the store with tears in her eyes and sharp pains in her side.

Her legs and chest were on fire as she continued to run as fast as she could.

She looked behind her to make sure she wasn't being followed and just as she was about to turn back around, her body collided with another body that immediately grabbed onto her body tightly and protectively.

Akasha started to yell and thrash about, not paying attention to the hold she was in, until she heard a familiar voice.

"I thought I asked you to stay out of trouble." The voice scolded her.

Without giving it a second thought, Akasha collapsed into his arms and wrapped her arms around his torso.

She continued to cry as the images from the last thirty five minutes began to flood her mind.

"Let's get you home, my precious thorn." The voice softly stated before she was picked up bridal style.

Grabbing onto his shirt, Akasha allowed the warm feeling to completely take over her body before she found herself falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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