0.6 : The Ghost Of Guardian's Past

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Sometimes Videl wondered why he even entertained Mictian and his ways.

Of course he didn't forget about Elijah or Eli as Mictian called him, Elijah was his first guardian assignment back when he was still pure and could come and go as he pleased from the pearly gates.

The real question is: Did Elijah forget about him or did he even want to see him?

It didn't take long for Videl to track down Elijah which made the guilt he felt multiply.

When he thought about how easy it was for him to find Elijah in the same old gym that he would find him in on hours just watching as the boxers either practiced alone or sparred against each other when things weren't going too well at home, which was somewhat a regular thing, it made Videl feel like crap considering he could have easily checked up on him over the years instead of wallowing in his own guilt and problems.

But there he was, assaulting the black punching bag as if it owed him money or did him dirty.

Elijah wasn't the same scrawny little kid that Videl remembered; he was more built and angry.

Trying to scope out the best way to approach him, Videl settled on just holding the punching bag from the other side and just show his face.

"Hey champ." He mumbled before looking over to see the look on Elijah's face.

Since Videl was his guardian, Elijah was able to see him because Videl had already revealed himself to Elijah.

A thing he was debating on doing with Akasha.

Even though he saved her in the alley, she still didn't catch a good look at his face which meant he could still communicate with her the way they did.

Plus he didn't really reveal himself to her the way he was supposed to, things just happened.

The punches from the other side came to a complete halt and his now dark ice cold blue green eyes were on Videl.

His face was blank which made the tension in the air ten times thicker.

"Remember me?"

"Yeah... I remember you." Elijah replied in his thick accent as his fists started attacking the bag again, this time harder and faster than before.

"So..." Videl fixed his balance and awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "What's up?"

"Why are you here Videl?"

"I just came to check up on you Eli."

Elijah stopped punching the bag and stood up straight, out of his boxing stance, and glared at Videl.

"Well if you really gave a fuck instead of just taking off without saying a word then you would know. But I'll fill you in since now all of a sudden you're interested in me again." Elijah stated before going back into his boxing stance and continued his routine.

"My mother died of cancer; second hand smoke from my bitch ass father. He didn't even wait until she was buried for a good two months before he started blowing her insurance money on liquor, cars and whatever else he could buy which in this case is his new wife. I refuse to call that bitch my new step mother... Now that I think about it, I'm starting to think he did that shit on purpose. Anyways the bitch sexually assaulted me from the time he put a ring on her finger up until three and a half years ago. She got caught and they sent her to jail, she beat the case though. They found her not guilty." Elijah let out a dark chuckle before speeding up his hits. "Oh and get this, she's out of jail and guess where she's living. Back with us... Well him, I packed my shit up and left... Did I cover everything? Oh yeah, I got a baby on the way with this one broad I fucked like twice well she claims the kid is mines."

Videl's face fell with every word Elijah spoke.

It hurt him to his core that those thing happened to Elijah when he was gone.

"Look Eli, I'm-"

"Sorry? Yeah, don't be."

Elijah's tone was cold and blunt; Videl could tell it hurt him knowing that when everything was going on and he called out for his help that Elijah's heart broke every time he didn't show up.

"If I could go back and fix it-"

"You would fix everything in a heartbeat right? That sounds like some real cliché type shit."

"Elijah you gotta know that some shit went down and I couldn't be your guardian anymore. If I would have known I would have did something."

The only sounds that could be heard was Elijah's quick grunts and the sound of him hitting the punching bag.

"You gotta believe me man; I wouldn't have just up and left you like that."

Still silence.

Just as Videl was about to plead with Elijah some more he felt a pain in his chest, a sharp and quick pain that made him somewhat double over.

Even though he was trying to ignore him, the sight made Elijah lose his cold demeanor and although he wouldn't admit it, Elijah was seriously worried about Videl.

"Shit." Videl mumbled as he stood up straight with dark blue veins underneath his eyes.

Videl quickly let go of the bag and spun around so Elijah couldn't see his face.

"Listen, I gotta go."

"At least you told me this time."

Videl shook his head and opened his mouth to debate with him when he realized that it would be completely pointless.

"I didn't forget about you and I won't forget about you Trent." Videl spoke in a hard yet somewhat loving tone before he quickly disappeared.

Elijah stopped attacking the punching bag at the mention of his middle name and the somewhat pet name his mother used to call him when he was younger.

His body language was still cold even though Videl was long gone.

"Yeah whatever, good riddance!" He yelled at the empty space in front of him before turning on his heels to retrieve his water bottle.

In mid-stride Elijah heard the swishing sound of the punching bag swinging back and forth, causing him to turn around.


After being greeted with silence; Elijah turned back around to be scared at the sight of an unknown person flicking his lighter on and off.

"Hey man, the gym is closed."

"Now does it look like I need to be working out? Pause, don't even answer that shit."

"Who are you?"

"You might not remember me but I'm your jiggy guard brother Mictian. See what I did there? Don't worry though... You and I will be getting real close." Mictian darkly stated before flashing Elijah his pearly whites.

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