0.5 : Doing It All Wrong

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Laying his long legs out in front of him, Videl sat right beside Akasha and watched as she tried to hide her beautiful smile.

Although she couldn't see him, like normal, Videl could see her and in a way it angered him that he couldn't touch her like his body so badly craved.

He couldn't press his lips against her skin the way he wanted to.

There was something going on with him and he wasn't sure what it was but he always found himself thinking about Akasha, it felt good knowing that now she was thinking about him.

"How did you sleep last night?" He questioned her trying to fight the impulse he had to wrap his arms around her and bring her body close to his.

It drove him crazy that he had to leave her last night especially with the way her small frame fit into his arms like a missing puzzle piece.

His chest was still somewhat on fire where she laid her body and it had him going insane, it was if she was the only thing that could douse the flame that would no doubt return if she were to leave it again.

"Pretty good." She softly replied with her eyes down on the book to make it seem as though she might have been reading aloud to herself instead of talking to herself. "I guess I have you to thank for that."

Once again getting caught up in her beauty and every move, Videl raised his hand to run his fingers through her hair when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder; making him jump slightly.

"Now you know this goes way beyond babysitting." A deep voice told him.

Videl turned his head to the side to see Mictian, a fellow fallen angel who was cursed due to his mother's shiesty ways.

"What are you doing here man?" Videl questioned as he looked around as if to see where his friend had popped out of.

"Keeping you under control man. You were about to blow the whole thing, you know the rules 'Del."

Videl clenched his jaw in frustration.

Since when did he give a flying fuck about the rules?

Him having a conversation with Akasha was breaking a bunch of rules but he didn't care.

From the moment he saved both her and her mother from the river years ago and made sure they both made it out alive even at the hospital he had been breaking a ton of rules.

Hell him being half vampire and half guardian angel was breaking a number of rules.

Mictian looked over Videl and let out a low whistle.

"Damn, she's a beaut." Mictian chuckled. "No wonder you keep leaving me to be around her twenty-four seven."

Cutting his eyes at Mictian, Videl snarled.

Snapping his eyes up and quickly putting his hands up in a surrendering motion, Mictian chuckled.

"Hey man don't kill me. I'm just admiring the view."

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