0.3 : Memories Remain

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As he pulled her body closer to his, Videl closed his eyes tightly to try and erase the images that bombarded his mind.

He wanted nothing more than to follow Sean and drain him of his blood completely for trying to harm his precious thorn.

His head felt like it was going to explode as the images of Sean's abused and battered childhood mixed with images of what Sean would have done to Akasha if he wasn't around seemed to intertwine.

The dark blue veins beneath his eyes began to appear and his eyes became their regular dark demonic yellow tint as his eyes slowly opened.

He was hungry.

His hunger was being fueled by anger and he just wanted to forget the things that just refused to leave his already damaged mind.

It didn't matter to him at that moment that if he was to find some poor defenseless soul to drain of their blood that he'd hate himself and the guilt would consume him.

He ignored the pounding sound Akasha's vein seemed to make against her flawless caramel colored skin and the burning in the back of his throat.

It didn't matter how hungry he was, he could never turn on her.

His body wouldn't allow it.

Just as he was about to let her go, Akasha seemed to snuggle up closer towards his body; causing him to tense up.

No matter how many times he was able to touch her, Akasha's touch still felt foreign to him.

Videl closed his eyes tightly and slowly counted to five in his head to calm his hunger.

The blue veins beneath his eyes quickly disappeared and his eyes became two dark pools of chocolate again.

He glanced down at Akasha's now peaceful state and let out a sigh as he softly ran his fingers against her cheek.

"I remember when we first met. You probably won't though." He mumbled before letting a loose chuckle escape from his lips.

Videl ran his fingers through her long dark tresses as his mind allowed him to take a trip

down memory lane; the day he first met Akasha.

ß ~~~à

Alana smiled as she felt the active little child in her stomach move around.

Her left hand somewhat palmed her round beach ball like belly as her right hand grabbed onto the steering wheel.

It was going on six in the evening and Alana was somewhat tired but her energy filled baby refused to calm down.

Alana felt like it had something to do with the fact that she was singing to try and keep herself occupied so she wouldn't think about the food she planned on making for her family the second she got inside the house.

Lord knows the second her little baby girl even heard the word food, she'd go into hyper drive and would constantly move until she was fed.

Taking her eyes off the road for a split second to answer her ringing phone, Alana didn't see the deer that appeared out of nowhere until it was almost too late.

She swerved her car to avoid the four legged animal and ended up going over the bridge, through the barrier and into the water; getting knocked unconscious the second the car hit the water by the violent jerk forward causing her head to smash against the dash board.

And everything went black...


Videl was stumbling down the road with his thoughts swimming and his tongue tingling with the bitter taste of blood.

The seemingly poor and defenseless drunken soul that Videl gladly drained had been nursing his disturbing thoughts with Budweiser's and shots of tequila all while scoping out the small yet crowded bar to see who his next victim would be while his girlfriend of two and a half years was back at home; trying to pick herself up from off the floor.

All it really took was for some young pretty college student to leave her wallet in her car and the trio walked out the bar, each not knowing that the other was trailing behind them.

Videl quickly made his way to the sicko and drained him of his blood in what seemed like record time before he disposed of the body and went on his way; roaming the streets.

The thoughts that swirled around his head mixed with the intoxicated blood he'd consumed had his head pounding as he staggered down the road; crossing the wooden bridge that separated the busy streets from the back woods.

The second his feet came in contact with the wooden like plank; Videl felt a hard tugging feeling on his heart that immediately stopped him in his tracks.

It was unlike nothing he'd ever felt before.

The pain in his chest grew as did the pounding in his head, causing him to drop to his knees and let out a loud scream.

His eyes became yet again that dark yellow tint and those pesky dark blue veins appeared underneath his eyes as his fangs grew.

His heightened sight and hearing, after quickly becoming accustomed to the pain, went into hyper drive.

It wasn't long before he heard Alana's heartbeat and the heartbeat of her little baby declining.

The angel in him immediately stepped in and before he could blink, he had dived into the water; swimming towards the sunken car.

ß ~~~à

Videl sighed and looked down at Akasha again.

"That day I never knew I could ever love another person again as much as I did and then you were born." He mumbled, admiring her beauty for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.

After realizing that he was foolish for talking to her knowing that her only response was the soft sounds of her breathing, Videl gently maneuvered out of her embrace; softly placed a kiss on her forehead and quickly disappeared.

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