Introduction to the Family!

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This is probably gonna be so cringey...

Oh yeah! I forgot to add in their nicknames... because then you'd be lost and all of this would be practically meaningless... right?
UT-Sans} Sans
UT-Papyrus} Papyrus
UF-Sans} Red
UF-Papyrus} Fell
US-Sans} Blueberry or for short, Blue
US-Papyrus} Honey
Jesus what is this? Don't worry! You'll probably catch on really fast! Use your DETERMINATION!

Also, this is just like an introduction so it's going to be really boring... so :/

 "Would you like the green tea from Japan or your grandmother's pandan tea, my mistress?" Honey asked, bowing his head a little in his new uniform. Saika looked at him, surprised at how the new uniforms her father had sent to her had looked on her butler. She had all of the uniforms delivered by Honey to her other 5 servants since he was the one who was helping her this morning. She had thought at first that they looked a bit dull due to her father's taste, but hopefully her servants liked the new suit. He had even sent her a dress, one that she would have to wear when attending the party that was scheduled 3 months from today for her father's birthday party.

Saika didn't fancy parties, but she had to tolerate them because her father adored them. He had sent them 3 months early because he couldn't contain his excitement. He had told her specifically that he wanted this party to be his biggest party yet. Mostly when he held parties, Saika didn't have to bring along her servants, since her dad already had about 350 in his mansion (dang these rich people! Xd) but now he had even bought her servants all expensive matching suits so that Saika could bring them along. He told her that these were specially made so that he would be able to identify and meet the butlers that were taking care of his daughter.

Saika was already in a bad mood from yesterday, when she had spent all her time attending the scheduled meetings centered on the well being of all her butlers and having to meet people who kept saying for her to get "human" butlers instead of weird "monsters" because that was the "normal" thing to do. It twisted her soul for monsters, but made a burning hatred towards most human beings she came into contact with. She knew most of them were just in for the money, and others were completely useless. At least all of her butlers had a certain talent. Saika was of the few (including her father) who had taken in monsters who really needed the money and could be useful in the upcoming future. Whilst her father had half and half of humans and monsters, Saika had no trace of human beings excluding herself.

Now to really brighten up her mood, her father had requested a picture of all of her servants and herself to be in a picture with their clothing and sent to him so that he could see how they all looked (though Saika knew her father just wanted to see her in the dress...). She hated having to take pictures (talking to you selfie taking people! XD) and most having to wear her dad's extremely frilly dresses. Welp, maybe after this was over, she could rest in her room with her favorite books surrounding her again.

Okay, okay, no more background information until later! Back to Honey and his question...

Saika's POV

Of course it had to be today, how could I have forgotten? With all those stupid meetings yesterday, maybe I could have remembered. Ugh, I'm stressing out when I shouldn't be.

I hated having to do this, but when your father was of high class and had given you the freedom to live by yourself, you really couldn't say no. Besides, it was in 3 months, so I had plenty of time to prepare. My butlers, all six of them, would be prepared in no time as well. They had already been living here for five months and they have gotten used to how I did things around here.

I looked at Honey, studying him before answering,

"I'll take the pandan tea, if you wouldn't mind..."

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