Party: Opening

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 She flipped through her papers with a sigh. Great, they chose the one who knows way too much already. This was totally gonna be easy. She put her hand to her forehead, wondering how the night would turn out after everything.

She'd already told the skeletons that it was impossible for her to slip all of them into the party, since she was informed that there were limited tables and chairs.(It also made Papyrus a little sad. He seemed so hyped for everyone to be spending time together). And also if they were all there at the same time, confusion would go unleashed. That was the last thing she wanted.

So she had Mr. Sonarmark's committee choose which servant would be guest under her name. Just so that her trust between them would be stable enough for them to trust her in return. Of course, who would want criminals attending a fancy party?

But the thing that bothered her more than any of that, was that they chose Honey. Of course they'd want to test her leadership skills. Not only that, but he'd certainly catch on to what she was up to. Hopefully, he'd be distracted enough with the party.

She set the assigned papers down and looked at herself one last time in her mirror. Alright, everything was perfect and set. Time to start heading out.

Honey waited outside her door in his newly polished tuxedo. It was a pain to dress up fancy all the time to be honest, but he pretty much adored the surprised looks on the others when the mistress had said that the only one who could go with her was him. Heheh, the committee who chose him must really like him. It kinda made him happy that he'd be the only one there for her.

He wondered what she'd be wearing. Maybe a cute dress that would cover the whole doorway like last time? Or something sexy that would show off her hips and shoulders? He'd enjoy that.

The door opened and he turned around, waiting to be met with something special looking, but instead he was faced with an almost exact replica of what he was wearing already. A tuxedo.

"Uh, what are you wearing?"

Saika looked down at herself. "A tux. What's the matter?"

"... I guess nothing." He felt slightly, if not indefinitely, disappointed. "I was expecting something... more girly."

She rolled her eyes as she closed her door. "Please, I can't always wear things like that." She looked at her pocket watch. "Come on, we gotta leave."

Everyone said their farewells as they both left the house. Honey got into the drivers seat while Saika took a seat at the back, giving him instructions as to where to go.

The drive was around an hour or so to reach Mr. Sonarmark's mansion. They drove to the front, getting out and handing the car keys to an awaiting human servant. There were other people that were just arriving as well. Guess they came early.

Another servant, a monster this time, asked them for their names before they could enter and marked them down as present. Once inside, Saika guided Honey to the main room(which was pretty much a ball room) that had few other guests.

Saika took out her watch and looked at the time. Wow, they actually arrived earlier than she thought. How convenient.

She put the watch away, looking to her left. "Why don't you get some refreshments at the tables over there. I need to go speak to Mr. Sonarmark."

"You sure ya don't need a buddy to go with you?"

"I'll be fine, I'm not a child."

Honey chuckled. "Didn't say you were."

"But you implied it." She started walking towards the stairs in front of her. "I'll be back, so do not go anywhere without my permission."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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