Coffee: Part Two- Aftermath!

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 "Are you sure you haven't seen Saika wondering around here?" Sans asked, trying not to look worried.

Papyrus shook his head, half digging into the garden's soil. He was holding a weird red flower, about to plant it in place next to the big cherry tree right smack in the middle of the whole garden. "O-OF COURSE NOT SANS! I HAVEN'T SEEN HER SINCE YESTERDAY!"

Sans sighed in absolute loss. He didn't want his brother being on the look out for her because she was too dangerous. If she found him, she might hurt him by accident, like Fell(well he said it was an accident but that was a bit hard to believe in, knowing that she was unconsciously consciously hitting him with the encyclopedia, which clearly appeared to be on purpose.)

All Sans told Papyrus was that he needed the mistress. And since Pap didn't know anything, he wasn't technically lying to his bro. He was trying to find her because he needed her. So that he'd make sure she didn't do anything afterwards and probably burn the whole house down. Having a drunk wild person is like having a bomb stored somewhere and they had to find it. Except that bomb has hands and legs and can walk around a place as big as a museum.


"No, she's not in any danger. I just, I need to find her okay? You know how Saika can be very secretive. Anyway, catch ya later Paps. If you see her, let me know immediately." Sans said.


Sans thanked Papyrus for his help and walked back inside, next teleporting to a different room.

Papyrus sighed, his guilt clouding his thoughts. He hated lying, especially to his dear brother Sans. And he was exceptional bad at lying. But they had requested it to be done. And Papyrus couldn't deny a request, especially from the mistress.

"EVERYTHING IS CLEAR MY MISTRESS! YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!" Papyrus carefully whispered, although it still sounded like his regular tone.

Saika rose from behind one of the bushes, stumbling slightly. It confused Papyrus as to why she was still in her pajamas because it was mid-morning and the mistress would usually be in their everyday clothing by now. It also confused Papyrus as to why she was hiding from his brother, Sans.

Papyrus was a bit disappointed when he had found Saika trailing towards him because he was going to surprise her with the spider lilies that she had requested for weeks after watching an anime that Alphys had recommended to her (guess which anime?;) ). But now the surprise was ruined. But at least the mistress got to see them first, which made Papyrus as happy as he would have been either way. Yet, she didn't say anything about them. She didn't even seem to know what they were.

Saika was acting weird, and Papyrus intended to find out why.

Papyrus stood up to assist Saika, as her steps were a bit woozy. He set her down on a nearby bench. He tilted his head to look at her face, a horrid smell coming from her breath. Her eyes were blurry and her cheeks were red. Was she running a human fever? Papyrus held up a hand to her forehead, but before he could, the mistress turned towards the ground and heavily threw up. Papyrus panicked.

"W-WHAT? SAIKA WHAT'S THE MATTER? ARE YOU HURT? ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT'S HAPPENING TO YOU? S-SAIKA?!" Papyrus quickly shouted over Saika's loud gasping. He patted her back as Saika caught her breath, worry tightening his face. He would have to clean that up later. Though, right now, the mistress needed him. Saika needed him.

He silently sat beside her, waiting for her to recover. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and gazed at the floor, not looking at Papyrus. Her hair fell loosely around her, covering her face. He slowly waved his hand in front of her.

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