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You wake up on Saturday, feeling refreshed from sleeping in. You go into the bathroom to freshen up then get dressed. You head to the cafeteria for breakfast and see a few of your friends from class, as well as a few other students. "Hey (y/n)!" Nagito said, waving to you. You wave back and get some breakfast then grab the seat next to Mahiru. You look at the pictures she spread on the table and listen to the conversation. You notice one photo that makes you almost choke. "I-is that a picture of Fuyuhiko and me?!" You ask, pointing to the picture.

Mahiru smiles. "Yeah! You two seem to have some chemistry." You blush and look away. "(Y/n), d-do you have a fever?" Mikan asked. Hiyoko laughed. "Mikan you're such an idiot. She's blushing you pig barf!" "Hah! S-so mean!" Mikan cried. "Leave her alone Hiyoko." You say. "Hmph! Your the one to talk! Since when was writing a talent?" Hiyoko asked with an evil grin. You jump up and grab your things before running out, tears spilling down your cheeks.

You ignore the calls of your friends and keep running. You close your eyes and crash into something or someone. You fall down and hear the other person curse at the same time as a thud. "(Y-y/n)?" A voice asks. You open your eyes to see Fuyuhiko on the ground in front of you. He quickly gets up then helps you up. "W-what the hell happened?" Fuyuhiko asked. You stare at him, unable to tell him anything. You feel embarrassed to be crying in front of him but you can't help it. "Young Master I'll take care of this." You hear Peko say. You find yourself walking down the hall towards the doors leading outside. Peko didn't say anything, but was silent as you continued to cry. Once outside Peko stops and turns to you. "What happened?" Peko asked calmly, opposite of what Fuyuhiko would do. You take a shaky breath before telling her what happened in the cafeteria.

"Peko, promise me you won't tell anyone. Especially Fuyuhiko." You say. Peko nods. "Understood. Now, Young Master must be worried. Shall we go back inside?" Peko said as more of a statement then a question. You head back inside and go back into the cafeteria. You see Gundham feeding his Four Dark Devas Of Destruction and decide to go talk to him. As you approach he looks up at you and smirks. "What courage you must have to walk up to me. Fehehe, what brings you to me fellow human?" Gundham asked. You smile and sitting down. Even though he spouts nonsense sometimes, you find him interesting and even a little cute. "You really care about your hamsters, huh?" You ask. "Hamsters are merely their temporary form. But, yes, I do care for them." Gundham said. You spend the day with Gundham, writing down the stories he told you that you plan to turn into a novel. You run into Fuyuhiko on your way to the dorms. He just stares at you before brushing by. You watch him leave, confused. Why is he avoiding me? You think, heading back to your room. You change into your pajamas and crawl into bed, wondering what you did to make Fuyuhiko act that way as you slowly drift to sleep.

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